
What kind of water do hermit crabs live in?

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OK i found a hermit crab today at the beach and now im keeping it what type of water do i put in and if its salt water how do i get it?




  1. Do NOT put them in water! All the water they need is in their feeder sponges.  

  2. It is salt water so maybe you could get some from the beach for the Hermit crab to live in.

  3. My guess is salt water. Don't put it in a tank though, make sure it has some sand or something to rest upon...Uhhh

    Here's a website that may help more than yahoo answers  

  4. they live on land

  5. you keep them in a tank with no water just sand unless it is a water hermit crab than you shold keep it in salt water do some research

  6. The species you found at the beach is almost certainly NOT the same as the ones commonly sold as pets. They seem to be a terrestial species that spend most of their time out of the water.

    It will need seawater (either real or made up from marine aquarium salt). It may be a species thats fully marine, our local ones are. Or it may be only partially marine, and need an area of land to crawl out onto.

    Temperature? What's the average temperature at Your beach? Tropical (over 20C) or Coldwater (under 20C). That will give you an idea on tank temperature.

    If it's a rockpool type hermit crab it is possible to keep them, but you will need the salt water, a filter and regular partial water changes.

    I have kept local coldwater hermit crabs in the past, along with various other rockpool species. Cushion stars, shrimp, snails and small hardy fish can live in a 'rockpool' aquarium.


  7. I have had a lot of them and I never put them in water.  

  8. salt and water.  

  9. Get the water the same place you got the crab.

    Try to use a ten gallon aquarium, and set it up so there is both wet and dry areas in it.

    He'll eat tiny pieces of whatever you're eating - salad, pizza, whatever.

    Give him a wet area, a dry area, and food - he'll be a happy hermit crab.  

  10. They do not live in water. Check out this site for everything you need to know about caring for a hermit crab

  11. mine are still living in fresh water. 8 months now and no problems yet!  

  12. Salt water aka the sea

  13. What water was at the beach?  that should be a starting point, if you can find the species, you can research its exact requirements.  Try google or other sites.

    My neighbour has one dish of fresh and one of salt and they often use both.

  14. hermit crabs from the ocean are different from the ones you buy at a store. the ocean hermit crabs need salt water and the land hermit crabs need fresh water and both need sand but go to a pet store to find out more specifically what they need.

  15. Most marine hermit crabs do well in a salinity of between 1.023 and 1.025 and temperatures between 4–14°C (temperate species) and 24–27°C (for tropical species), with algae to graze on, and a variety of shells to change into. They will happily switch shells frequently if given the opportunity - an interesting display to watch. -Wikipedia

    you can get aquarium salt at your local pet store

  16. no water .

  17. They don't LIVE in water. They should be kept in a dry environment (sprayed with distilled water every so often) with a small, shallow, tub-like area of distilled water. You should also get feeder sponges that retain water so they can drink from them - just check out your local PetSmart - they can more than likely tell you everything you need to know.

  18. take some from the sea.

  19. I think most species live on the land, freshwater should be fine I owned one once

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