
What kind of waves does it take to boogieboard?

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What kind of waves does it take to boogieboard?




  1. almost all waves but try to catch them before they crash and you might want to get a pair of fins

  2. Just about any wave will do but a pair of flippers really helps.

  3. You want a nice tall wave that is going to break soon. You want to be able to ride the top so that when it breaks you drop with it. Be careful that it doesn't throw you off though it can get a bit rough going down.

  4. i would say u want at least a 3-5ft wave to have the most fun..

  5. my cousins and my brother and i all go for the huge ones. we stand with our backs to the waves then jump forward onto the boards just as the waves hit us they take us back to shore sometimes. make sure they have either broken or are breaking before you go though,you get pounded if they break on you.

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