
What kind of ways can I stay in shape over summer for crew without rowing?

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What kind of ways can I stay in shape over summer for crew without rowing?




  1. running, jumpies, lifting, anything cardio and put some weight training in there to be ready for next year.... erging every once n a while is not a bad idea like a 2K or 6K

  2. * There's always erging ;-)  Seriously!  The advantage is that you can easily do your coach's favorite on-water routines and train for the 6k you know is coming in the fall.

    * Your coach can give you his/her preferences for cross-training, but swimming, running (especially hills), biking, and lifting are great.  Rock-climbing is great for the upper-body.

    * Kettlebells can be a way to shake up your weight routine and get in some cardio, too.  (See for articles and a forum.)

    * Work on your flexibility and core strength with tai chi, yoga, or Pilates.  

    * Why not learn to scull?  It will do wonders for "boat feel" and balance if you usually spend your fall and spring in a bigger boat.  

    Good for you for not taking the whole summer off--although a little rest is a good thing!

  3. become a master of INVERTED PUSHUPS baby BLAAST!!

  4. Having been a rower for many years, I too often found the summer a time when all my hard work throughout the season would go to waste, howerver, over the past 4 years, I have developed a training programme that I do during the summer that has helped me immensely and I've always been in great shape when I come back in August!

    You should aim to be training between 3 to 4 times a week, this is usually what I would do on an average week during the summer.

    Monday - Long slow jog, this helps build muscle in your legs and improve aerobic fitness. Adjust the distance to whatever you do at training, I usually do a 10 mile jog. Make sure to stretch well before and after.

    Tuesday - You can take this day off, just do a few long stretches if you get time to improve flexibility.

    Wednesday - Time for weights.I find that the most effective weights for rowing are squatting, lunges with dumbells, leg press and a small amount of benchpressing. Aim for 4 sets of 15 reps in each.

    Thursday - A bit of the erg today, about 6k at a good rate would be great.

    Friday- Keep up the long stretches if possible.

    Saturday - If you're able for it, another jog would be great for you.

    Sunday- A day off, make sure to fuel up for the week ahead.

    I hope this will help you in your training, make sure also to keep a healthy diet throughout the summer, plenty of carbs to fuel up and protein to build muscle.

  5. obviously the best way to stay in shape for crew without water is to use a rowing machine (erg), most gyms have them.

    running will help your endurance

    push ups and weights will help upper body shape

    sit ups help you stomach muscles

    try asking a crew coach (if you have one) or going to a gym.

    good luck

  6. You can always run, lift weights, swimming laps, get a bunch of guys together and play a football, and eat healthy.

  7. Learn Ashanta yoga- it is all about streching, coordinating movement and focusing, much harder  work than you would believe. It will keep you in shape physically and emotionally. Add dancing to try mix, and bravo- your body will be humming and purring at the same time.

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