
What kind of weather are you having right now?? (If you're in the midwest it's probably not so good..)

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Or maybe it is. Where I am we've been having tornadoes, T-storms, wind storms, and flash flooding for the past 3 days. Tornado sirens are going off like crazy. TVs won't stop beeping and going off about dangerous weather etc. hundred of trees are lying in the road. a few houses were crushed around here. my neighbor's tree was struck by lightning.

Haha it's not so good around here! If it's sunny by you I don't wanna hear it! :P




  1. its perfect right here right now. it was ridiculously hot earlier but now nice and cool. sorry to hear.

  2. where do you live if you dont mind me asking?? and by the way i live in arizona and its sooooo hot here !!!! its crazy like today it was around 108 !!

  3. In Arizona it is beautiful, clear skies and just a slight breeze.

  4. I live in cleveland oh.... we had a small storm roll through at 7:50 today, but now it's just fine.... ur so lucky cuz ur grass and plants are gonna be so nice and green whiler mine are brown and dying.

  5. I live in Texas and feels pretty good now, but earlier today it was HOT. Got up to 109 degrees where I live.

  6. We had a heavy downpour earlier this afternoon.  On shore flow with a south and southeast winds and surface heating provided for some fairly strong shower activity and that appears to be the case for the next 48-72 hrs.

    Florida that is....

  7. No rain, single digit humidity, and temperatures in the high 90s (New Mexico).

  8. 10:16 and its 81*. haha. its hot and humid and we got like 6 different watches and warnings! Sucks cuz we have 6 cats we'll have to wrangle down to the basement if a tornado hits!

    btw: I live in Rockford, IL

  9. I live in Montreal which is in Canada, and it is so hot and sunny here !! Actually so hot, it's too hot..It's like over 20 degrees and sooo humid and a strong u.v. index...

  10. Its hot where I am (in Connecticut) its been in the 90s all weekend which was a slap in the face because its been so cool. This afternoon there was a thunderstorm for like an hour. Now its back to hot.

    Sorry to hear about your horrible weather. Just wondering where are you?

  11. Just south of Chicago. We went swimming today for 5 minutes before tornadoes and storms rolled through. Same thing yesterday the sirens went off 4 times. Funny the one day I dont want it to storm we get pounded. (if anyone cares I live in the Joliet area)

  12. Yeah, I live in SE Michigan and we've been having a lot of thunderstorms lately.  We had a tornado start to form over our city earlier and it touched down north of us.  Some people said that they saw the clouds swirling in the sky.  The power went out for a few minutes and we had a tornado warning that stopped a dance recital that I was in.  I actually thought that it was kind of funny.  I hope no one got hurt in the city(ies) where the tornado touched down, though.

  13. 98 degrees, no rain in about 2 and 1/2 weeks, and 100% humidity. I'm in Florida about 25 minutes from the Gulf of Mexico. Great beach weather unless you're 8 and 1/2 months preggo like me! lol

  14. California baby!!!! nice and toasty! but im sorry about where your from.

  15. Southern Ohio ... hot and humid. 10:02 pm 83*

  16. tornados and humid hotness.

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