
What kind of website will get traffic to my site?

by  |  earlier

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I currently have this website its kind of in progress but i want to create a website that will get more traffic to my site and ave a better chance at selling something cause ive had tons of visitors and no sales yet :( I need some ideas for a good website. I thought about writting about like training dogs or something usefull to people where they dont necesarilly need to buy something.




  1. The best is to put a link on website with similar interest. This way Google will get you more points.

  2. u can try submitting articles to article directories. we tried a lot of methods ourselves and it seems that article marketing is the best method.

  3. There's a good guide to increase your traffic here: http://traffic-tips-and-tricks.blogspot.... The tips described there are quite simple but very effective.

    And if you're willing to invest some time into it you should also consider reading the book "Guerrilla Marketing" by Jay Conrad Levinson, it tells you a lot of practical and effective ways to market your business for very little or no money at all.

    Hope this is useful.


    Read my blogs

  4. Firstly,

    before writing any content you should consider the principles in SEO... but before that you need to do some keyword research... type in the keywords into a keyword search tool.. visit google's adwords keyword search tool....

    secondly you said you want to sell stuff... so target keywords that suggest buying... for example use "buy dog training book" etc and look to rank high in that

    as for other targeted traffic .. you can visit my blog @ ... heaps of material on how to  increase web traffic to your site

  5. Look Advertise your website there.

    I found there website through an article that specifically listed they as a good website that sells high quality traffic. I purchased 5,000 visitors to my website, and noticed the difference before I even checked my logs! I am so glad that I finally found a way to market my website that can be done quickly. I know how important SEO is, but they have to promote in other ways too. I know I've found a working method!

    I just wanted to say how impressed I was with there service. My campaigns were set up promptly and delivered as promised. I was impressed with the results as well. I purchased traffic for two of my websites and I received over 1450 signups for the first website and over 1030 signups for the second. (That's less than $0.01 a lead! Try finding that elsewhere!).

    There advertising works great. I'm using a direct landing page for my campaign and have been tracking every ad. A very high amount of visitors have been browsing my site and my conversion rates have gone up..

    Ever since I began advertising with Quality Traffic Supply, my sales have greatly increased. Since I now have a steady source of traffic which is targeted to my content, I now get a good return on investment. There traffic has worked wonders for me. I buy about 5,000 visitors a month to split up between my 2 websites, and for every $10 I spend there I bring in another $30!

  6. Traffic Exchanges are the best options I have used several of their programs, most have rocked, some didnt -- so overall, I say that they are safe to do business with and have good programs. Visit to know more about these services and how easy it would be to get traffic

  7. Google Adwords is the best way to go if you have a product to sell. Programs that claim to generate a certain amount of traffic are usually a scam.

    Also you may want to try an affiliate type of program

    (such as selling adult products from )

  8. This site should help drive traffic to your money site and its free :)

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