
What kind of weightlifting should I do to prepare for cross country skiing?

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I want to prepare in the summer for next years xc skiing season. I have been running for endurence, but what kind of weightlifting should I do with just dumbells, a barbell, and a bench?




  1. Yeah...definitely go for a weight routine that is going to build tone and endurance. Bulk is not what you want.

    Running is a good thing too, but watch the impact. There is a lot more stress on your joints and bones with running than say, inline skating or swimming. While all three are aerobic activities, skating will most closely mimic XC skiing (you can even go so far as to buy the road skis. I've seen them used by XCers when I lived in VT) Here's a link with some info:

    Also...whether you are running, skating, or hiking...add some weights in a backpack and carry that. I tell people that 15-20 pounds should be the max. More than that and you will start to bulk up more than you need.

    Good Luck!

  2. Add to the other answer ankle weights and do lots of seated foot lifts to strengthen the muscles in the front of the leg.

  3. Light weights and fast reps.  You are trying to create endurance, not bulk.

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