
What kind of wheat bran do i use to breed meal worms?

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What kind of wheat bran do i use to breed meal worms, I see that there are different kinds. does it matter?




  1. I don't think it really matters what kind of bran you use. The cultures we have where I work are thriving and are kept on corn meal, supplemented with apple & raw sweet potato slices. (Changed out 3X a week) NOTE:  I have found that keeping a couple of the older slices of sweet potato is a good spot for the beetles to lay eggs; in 1-2 weeks, you'll check it and there will be hatchlings. Good luck with your mealies. :)

  2. It actually doesn't matter.Meal worms

    eat almost anything.So try any kind they have

    it should work.

  3. I use a high protein dog food

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