
What kind of wood is good for clarinet?

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What kind of wood is good for clarinet?




  1. The most common wood for clarinet is Grenadilla  (Dalbergia melanoxylon) also known as African Blackwood.  It is particularly dense (tight grain) and produces a tone quality favored for clarinet, oboe, and flute.  Although many people believe that the clarinet is made of ebony, this is a different wood that is too brittle for clarinet manufacture.

    Some makers use Rosewood.  Dalbergia nigra (Brazilian rosewood) is now endangered.  Dalbergia latifolia is now more common.  There are about a dozen Dalbergia species known as rosewood.  Reality is that any Dalbergia species is suitable for clarinet making.  

    Historically, Boxwood (Buxus sp.) [esp. B. sempervirins] with Ivory fittings was the preferred wood.  This was especially true of the early clarinets and flutes.

    Other woods that are sometimes used for woodwinds are:  Coralwood (Guibourtia sp.), Maple (Acer sp.), Pearwood (Pyrus sp.), Olivewood (Olea europaea), Satinwood (Swietenia sp.), Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana)

    Maple, pearwood, and cedar are generally considered too soft for a clarinet.  A good clarinet needs a wood with a density of about 1.0

  2. Clarinet bodies have been made from a variety of materials including wood, plastic, hard rubber, metal, resin, and ivory.[2] The vast majority of clarinets used by professional musicians are made from African hardwood, M'Pingo or grenadilla, rarely (because of diminishing supplies) Honduran rosewood and sometimes even cocobolo. Historically other woods, notably boxwood, were used.

  3. Hi Hita

    The best quality wood for a clarinet is ebony. That is the best wood for any instrument whether it's for a fingerboard or other wooden insturment.

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