
What kind of work am i doing? and how much can i make in the long run?

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My name is David and i am 19 years old. I work at castellano electric motors in Manhattan (LES). I started out as a warehouse worker and worked/ working my way up to mechanic. i fix water pumps of all sizes, motors and blowers. I have asked my boss what field this is and he chuckles and says we do everything. I want to know what i can be labeled as so i can one day leave this place, they don't pay well at all and it really pisses me off. am i hvac mechanic? or a tech? i really don't know :(




  1. hydraulics

    water pumping systems,

    you are both.

    what do you want to be?

    u said they don't pay well; what

    is considered well?

  2. You are learning to be a mechanic, but you should try and get a proper apprenticeship so you will have a qualification rather than just practical experience.

    They are taking advantage of you because you don't know what you could be entitled to. Find out.

  3. I suggest you to try project payday, simply because you don't need any money up front and you can start making money within 15 minutes. I average around 2000 dollars every month with it. Check it out at

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