
What kind of work do people in Peru do?

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i was jw..




  1. tourism has grown up very fast, so the majority of Carree are relates with. but in Peru are many lawyers , engineers and management of companies.

  2. I'm a graphic designer/cloth designer and empire owner...i'm peruvian ... does that help?

  3. what you really MUST buy are textiles and fruits.

    But Peruvians work on everything

  4. Farming and everything else that people elsewhere do.  Much of the economy comes from tourism, so many jobs are service-related.

  5. You can find from farmers to engineers; from cooks to athletes; from economists to doctors. It all depends on what you have studied (or haven't).

  6. The main economical activity in Peru is and has always been mining. Other important activities are fishing, farming, food industries, commerce. Tourism does not represent an important part of the  incomes.

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