
What kind of work do you do in jail?...and what if you refuse to work? Can the guards do anything about it?

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What kind of work do you do in jail?...and what if you refuse to work? Can the guards do anything about it?




  1. Sweep, mop, mow grass, rake. No work no food.

  2. If the people in jail would all quit you would see a lot of guards quit their jobs because they would have to cook clean and feed the inmates. What happens if you refuse to work you loose your work time credits and other privileges.

  3. Yes inmates do work, they do any number of jobs ranging from janitorial (porters) to kitchen duty or working in any of the shops (woodshop, automotive etc..) . And yes you can get in trouble, you can get written up for disobeying a lawful order, failure to comply with work program, and you can get fired and given a worse assignment.

    Depending on what the hearing officer decides, along with the facilities policy you can get more time added to your sentence, placed in segregation, or lose any good time (time off your sentence) or get more time added to your sentence. In the end the inmate still loses on any number of levels for a variety of reasons.

  4. Typically it is a privelege to get out to do something and it is usually a welcome change.  The road crews you see working have to earn the right to do that, and they get a small amount of money and also in some cases earn extra time served.  There are no more forced labor camps.

  5. in british prisons it is compulsary for convicted prisoners to work. if they dont they face a disciplinary charge. resulting in a fine or being locked up most of the time.

  6. In jail, the jobs are mostly in support of the people there, ie. cooking, cleaning and laundry. In prisons, the work can be more varied.  Some prisons have their own factories as well as doing jobs for the state.  In Oregon, the prisoners make a brand of blue jeans called "Prison Blues". They also answered the phone for tourist information.

    Refusing to work will generally get a prisoner denied priveleges. Most prisoners will be glad to work just to get out of their cell.

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