
What kind of work is involved in these areas of hospital volunteering?

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I'm applying to volunteer at a local hospital this summer. On the application, there is one section that asks what kind of work I would prefer. What kind of work is involved in "Emergency Room" and "Outpatient Services"? I know that, being only a volunteer, it wouldn't be anything critically important to patient health. so what kinds of tasks would you be doing in those areas?




  1. Toting and carrying - papers, supplies etc.

    You mostly function as an extra pair of hands for the professionals.

    To volunteer in the ER it helps if you have a strong stomach.

  2. You would deliver important papers to certain doctors, bring

    xrays from the imaging room to the O.R., safely bring people from their rooms to either get pre-lab stuff done.. You will also help people to the O.R. for one day surgery..

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