
What kind of workouts should I do to prepare for the swim team?

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Should I just do a ton of laps, or work in intervals




  1. All the above answers are good but it's also important to strengthen your core. Do lots of work on abs. A great exercise I do on my swim team is called "the karate crunch" here's what you do:

    do 5 regular crunchs

    do 5 crunchs feet on the floor knees apart

    do 5 crunchs knees bent at 90 degree angle

    do 5 crunchs knees bent at 90 degree angle, knees apart but toes together

    straighten your legs up above you and do 5 crunchs arms out towards your toes

    keeping your legs straight lower and raise them slowly and steadily 5 times

    you can ajust the number from 5 to suit you. It's also important to not stop at all when changing position.

    Good luck!

  2. you should to some cardio swimming, some sprint sets, and some stroke work. that would help you work on a variety of things that could help you get ready for the team. also, putting things on intervals wouldn't be a bad idea....remember, its not how many laps you swim, its the quality of those laps.

  3. For swimming its all about the balance of your work and incorporating a healthy diet into your life. For a typical swim team you probably wont be doing long distance events meaning you won't need to have a large amount of endurance. I would suggest lifting weights and eating a balance of protein and carbohydrates. As far as your swimming id build up to about 8,000 yards a day if you want to get good. It will take time but you will feel great and prepared for the team.

  4. If you want to be ahead of the game the best thing to do is a lot of laps with the best technique possible.  Mix up your strokes and count them each 25 and get them as low as possible.  Adding in some kicking would be good, it helps balance you in the water and improve your technique.  Save the sprinting and interval training for later with the team.  Doing some core work would be helpful.

  5. lift weights to strenghten ur arms and jog for more stamina you could also hold ur breath under the water and time ur self so u can get better at hold ur breath longer

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