
What kind og pet should i get??

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i want to get a kinf of cool animal creature kinda pet like a rat mice frog snake for my b day but i dontt knowwhat plezzzzzzz help




  1. ew none of them!!! GET A DOG... GOLDEN RETRIEVER!!!!

  2. Pet rats can make excellent pets, they are intelligent and can be cute, personally I think rats make great pets but my friend thinks there nasty! I think there good pets though, if you want something more tipical try getting a bunny rabbit, there are multiple tipes of rabbits you can get like lop eared, french (ect) and there fun to play with and are very cute.

    If you do get a snake you might have to feed it mice witch you might not want to do if your looking into getting one lol, you can, however, get a gardener snake or a snake that eats insects. You will have to keep live food in your house if you do choose to have a snake.

    Frogs can be cool but it means that you have to keep live bugs in your house, trust me it is a pain having crickets! Sometimes they do escape and there very hard to find and they live FOREVER!

    I believe a frog or a rat would make good pets, frogs dont need really and attention and a rat would love attention. It really matters on how much time you have to care for the animal and if you dont mind bugs.

  3. Get a chameleon

  4. get a camel

    like this

    camels are very usefull. you don't need to give em water to drink.

    you can travel on your camel and even enter camel racing competitions.

    even celebrities are increasingly using camels for transport

    pic of akon and luda travelling on camels

  5. get a hamster! they're so cute.

  6. you should get a monitor lizard, savannah monitors get up to 5 feet in lenght, and make great family pets. And they dont have temper issues, its better to get them when they are babies. By the way, why did u add me as a contact???

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