
What kind or shampoos can you use on ferrets?

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i have 2 ferrets and i dont have the special shampoo for them can i just use human shampoo on them n if i can wat types




  1. Funny story...

    When I was a kid, the rent house my dad moved into had a cage of unknown origin on the back porch. A couple of weeks later, we found a ferret on the back porch. We kind of adopted it, and it seemed REALLY comfortable in the cage, so we assumed it was his. It was an unaltered male, so you KNOW he had a STRONG smell!!! My stepmother was WEIRD about cleanliness, so she made us bathe him in Pine-O-Pine to lessen the smell!!! I SWEAR! I rinsed him really really well after each bath, and he always smelled like a pine tree, but he never smelled musky like an unaltered ferret male either! So I guess you can use just about whatever you have on hand on your ferret!

  2. Use a shampoo that is safe for kittens.

  3. i just use dog shampoo cause we already have it

  4. I heard baby shampoo is the best thing,

  5. I use Johnson&Johnson.

    Ferrets arent Rodents btw.

  6. If you have a flea problem, cat products can be used on ferrets.

    If it is the smell thing, (human) baby shampoo works just fine.

    I had 6 ferts at one time.

    Piper would root around in the bath tub until he found the stopper, he would pull and pull until he triumphantly lifted his treasure out of the water!

  7. You can use baby shampoo like Johnson&Johnson.

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