
What kind or where can i find touch up paint for my gun?

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I own a ak47 and when fitting my new railed handguard on my gas tube i scratched up the gas tube ends. im wondering is there some simple heat resistant paint or paint especially for firearms i should use. and perferably non spray so i can accuratly just fix those areas any information is appreciated, and links to a place to buy it would be very great as well thank you for your answers




  1. its not painted. just use a black permanent marker, you'll be th only one to know. it may take a few swipes, let it dry between each swipe . . . try it in a a place where it wont stand out first

  2. birchwood casey makes a touch up gun-blueing pen, it's like a sharpee.

    rust-oleum and a few other companies make heat-resistant black paint, for use on cast iron wood stoves and the like, that'd work if you wanted it painted.

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