
What kind other phones are similar to Iphone but cheaper?

by  |  earlier

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I am planning to get a phone similar to the Iphone but I want a cheaper one. I don't care if it is less #Gs. I am just looking for call, text, GPS, internet and that is basically it. I also want a touch screen (it can be half). is there any other models like that in the world?




  1. A black berry phone the a little cheaper than an iPhone

  2. they are detailed here.  

  3. Samsung Instinct is similar to the iphone.  Supposed to be better in some ways then the iphone too.  I don't think its better overall, but they're advertising it for 129 right now and it's got the touchscreen and gps and internet.  Many other good features on it too.  I'm debating on buying the Instinct, because I want a phone like that as well.

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