
What kind tip caster i am?

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i am have interest in magic for a long time now and just now i stared asking myself can i do magic..

i was reading one book and in book they write about type of caster

you can be, and i don't know what kind type i am.

I can't just pick one type and then go with that, right?

Can somebody help me?




  1. Most people have an interest in magic. It's natural to be curious about the unknown. Immerse yourself in fiction and documentary, don't bother with being a "caster". At the moment your type would be 'wanna-be caster'. Sorry don't hate me =).

  2. Could you tell me which book and where in it you read this?  

    I'm not sure what you mean here.  

    Yes, you could do magic, but like any other skill, it requires much study and practice - so keep reading up on various forms of magical practices!  

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