
What kinda dog should i get?

by Guest65777  |  earlier

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my mom said i could 1 dog kewl right help me decide wat dog to get.




  1. Take a breed selector quiz. They are kinda fun and have lots of additional information on the breeds.

  2. Mini australian Shepherd

  3. well it really depends on your lifestyle, but guessing from this question, i assume your mother doesnt want a big manly dog like a rottweiller, mastiff, or boxer. i am also assuming you dont want a small sissy dog like a yorkie, maltese, or shih tzu. so i would go with a beagle, a shiba inu, or a basenji

  4. Beagle  

  5. I think you should get one by your family's daily life

    Ask yourself these questions first...

    Will you have time to play with it?

    Will you have money to pay for its shots and supplies?

    What kind of breed is good for our family?

    Is your house fit for a dog? / wires/wood tables/boxes?

    WIll you have time to train it?

    It sounds by me you just want a dog just for fun and you think when you buy a dog its already trained. Well gues what its not all that stuff you will ahve to do by your self if you don't train it right your probley going to give it away. Sorry not to be mean but you have to do lots of reseach before you make this comentment. HERE ARE MY LISTINGS!

    HYPER NOISY DOGS/ Yorkies,Jack russells,Chihuahua's, basicly small dogs.&& terriers

    Alert Dogs; German shepherds,Beagles,Labs,GoldenDoodle,Husk... ,Border colliesetc..

    Non sporting Dogs ;Shiba inu,Shih tzu,American eskimo dog, Pomerainian,Pug etc..

    Hope this helps!


  6. A yorkie

    -its a small dog good for apartment

    -dont have to take it for a walk that long cause its small

    -no undercoat that means that it will not shed

    -t will grow long but it wont shed, just like human hair when you brush it , some hair might fall out

    -its a intelligent dog

    -good for family

    -sometimes it barks, good for begin a  little watch dog

  7. My personal opinion is to get you an australian shepard. They are hyper as a pup but turn out to be very good dogs. Very easy to train, and they really love to go swimming.

  8. Some questions to ask yourself and your parents:

    1. How much time each day can you and they dedicate to caring for a dog? This will determine if you should get a low or high drive breed.

    2. Do you like to groom every day, once a week, once a month, pay someone else to do it?

    3. Are you or anyone in your household allergic to dogs? These two questions will help you decide on whether to look for short coated, double coated, long haired or short curly coated breeds.

    4. How much of a budget can your family allot for vet care? Some breeds are more prone to health issues than others.

    5. How much space and what sort of containment area do you have for a pet? Will the dog be kept indoors or out?

    6. Do you mind dogs that like to dig or bark often?

    7. Do you want a pet that is friendly with other people or one that is very protective and reserved with strangers?

    8. Do you want to compete in any events like obedience or agility, herding or hunting with a dog?

    9. Do you want a dog that trains easily or one who is very independent?

    10. Do you like a dog who wants to fetch and retrieve or one who is content to do it's own thing?

    All of these questions and many more will help narrow down what breed or mix of dogs will best suit your family.  

  9. any kind of dog you fall in love with. try to get a dog from a shelter and be a rescue owner but if you want a dog from a breeder that fine too.


    this test will help you decide

  11. it depends on how old you are if your in school whos gonna take care of the dog. go to your library and check out some books on certain dogs and read up on the personalitys and how big they get.

  12. Jack Russel Terrier!!!!

    they are the most loving dogs ever

    mine follows me everywhere I go

    and cuddles up every chance she gets

    and learns every trick I teach her

    they're the best dogs

  13. labs are great they want to play all of the time

  14. Try this website:

    It will tell you how to choose a puppy. it will tell you INFORMATION too!

  15. I would recommend getting a mixed breed. They are usually the most easy to train and control. They also don't have as much behavior issues. I'm not sure if you want a big dog or a small dog, but I have a Chihuahua Corgi mix and I love her to death. She's not like the average Chihuahua who's crazy, but because she's a mix she's calm, and was very easy to house break and potty train. And also to train in general. Whatever breed of dog you decide to get, I recommend it be a mix. Generally, mixes are cheaper than purebreds as well.

    Hope I was of help!

    P.S. I recommend putting out a Craigslist ad for your new pup. Then people will respond in your area, with the breed that you want. Or you can just put something along the lines of you wanting to adopt a dog in general, and you will get many responses.

    Again, I hope this helped!

  16. germansheperd! i have one and shes the best and the smartest to dont get the american breed get the german breed american breeds are really really stupid!

  17. a shelter dog mix... You will feel very fulfilled and satisfied saving a doggies life!

  18. It depends. Do you have a big house and big yard? If not I would start looking at small/medium dogs that are more mellow.  

  19. shitzu, golden,lab,australian shepherd,shichon,pug

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