
What kinda fish are compatible with goldfish?

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and can live in cold water like goldfish?




  1. Personally, I've never kept any other fish with my goldfish. They're really dirty fish. It's enough keeping them clean on their own, without adding more fish to the mix.

    And god, don't put in a betta, they'll kill eachother. Also betta need a warm environment.

  2. Minnows are about it since they both like cooler water.  

  3. Hi there I'm 23 and own fish, and goldfish for over a year.  

    I would suggest not putting anything in with goldfish, i hear they can be aggressive, they dirty a tank really easy..i just put my in separate fish bowl.  

  4. godlfish are usually kept in coldwater tanks, so when you go to add tankmates (hoping that you have a larger tank), look for white cloud minnows, or some danios. danios can be pretty hardy fish that can handle living in a coldwater environment. Golfish have been stuck with tons of other species of tropical fish in heated tanks, but i would recomend that you just stick with different kinds of goldfish, providing that you have a good sized tank that is well taken care of (with water changes and all), so good luck with it

  5. No no on the Betta.  Bettas are tropical fish and prefer heated water - 76-82 degrees.

  6. Black Moor. Like a goldfish with giant eyes

  7. Really, the only  fish that are truely compatible with goldfish is other goldfish.  You might be able to get away with a pleco or some loaches that don't mind water temps in the low 70's.  I've also heard people say that white cloud minnows are a more cold water species and could be compatible with goldfish.

    Just because fish won't attack each other, doesn't mean they are compatible.  Goldfish thrive in water conditions that are way diffrent than tropical fish and to keep them together means your compromising the health and well being of one or both of the fish in your tank.

    Definetly a no to the betta, they like hot temps(80F) and need clean water that a goldfish would dirty up fast.

  8. if you get goldfish with SHORT tails, you can put a male betta in or  a female betta in with LONG tailed goldfish.

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