
What kinda vegetarian does this make me?

by Guest44593  |  earlier

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I eat fish, dairy and eggs if they are baked in foods. I don't eat any meat or poultry though. So am I still a vegetarian?




  1. I have a friend who eats seafood and is still a vegetarian.  I know there is a special term for it, but I don't know what it is.  I think it sort of defeats the purpose, but to each there own.  It's not bad to eat meat.  It's natural, but it can also be cruel.

  2. Your a Pescetarianism... You eat seafood, dairy and eggs just no meat or poultry...

    You're still harming animals.. Fish are animals too.

  3. It's called a pescetarian if you eat fish but not other fleshes.

    Some people specify ovo-lacto for vegetarians who eat dairy and eggs, but for the most part it is typically understood that a vegetarian eats one or both of those. (Those who eat neither are called vegans.)

  4. Not if you eat fish.

  5. fish is an animal, which means you eat meat.

  6. According to some sources they are different types of vegetarians. Individuals who are purest would not label  you as a vegetarian.  Here are some definition that may help you answer your question.

    Vegetarians or lacto-ovo-vegetarians are individuals who eat dairy products, but stay a way from poultry, fish, beef, pork or any animal flesh.

    Vegan do not eat anything that comes from an animal or any food that has been processed using animal products

    Pescatarian is a word used to describe those who abstain from eating all meat and animal flesh with the exception of


    Flexitarian/Semi-vegetarian is a term recently coined to describe those who eat a mostly vegetarian diet, but occasionally eat meat

  7. 9 times out of 10 when people ask this question they are not a vegetarian at all.  You are one of the 9 unfortunately.  You are NOT a vegetarian.  Fish is not a vegetable.

    Fish are living animals that are killed to be eaten.  Vegetarians don't eat animals.  

    You are a pescetarian.  That means you only eat fish.

    Sorry to burst you bubble, but you should have done more research before you started calling yourself a vegetarian.

  8. your whats called a pesatarian.... i think i spelled that wrong (sorry) but its when you dont eat meat but you eat fish....

  9. Pescatarian...since you eat fish.

    Vegatarians don't eat any meat or fish.

    Vegans won't eat anything to do with animals, no meat or any animal byproducts like milk

    Some vegetarians do eat dairy products and others don't.

  10. You are not a vegetarian, period. You eat meat. Fish are animals, too, and they suffer just as much as cows and chickens and pigs.

  11. you are a pescetarian.

    vegetarians dont eat fish.

  12. Yes that makes you a vegetarian, but not a vegan as vegans don't eat meat or dairy.

  13. nope, you're an omnivore. a lot of people say vegetarians can eat fish, but think about it, the fish were at one time alive, swimming in the ocean, breathing, with a face. therefore, vegetarians cant eat fish. so you're an omnivore.

  14. your not a vegetarian, but youre a pescatarian

    vegetarians dont eat fish

  15. pescitarian (sorry if the spelling is wrong)

  16. You are not any type of vegetarian. A vegetarian is someone who doesn't consume meat, poultry, fish, or seafood (no flesh). You would be considered a pescatarian, which is a type of omnivore. Give up the fish/seafood and you will be a vegetarian.

  17. Vegetarians do not eat animals.  Fish is an animal.  You are a selective omnivore.

  18. nope. if you eat flesh, you are an omnivore. sorry. i think this video explains it.

  19. yeah, i think you are a vegetarian but not vegan

  20. No.  If you eat fish, you are not a vegetarian.  Vegetarians do not eat animals of ANY kind.

    You are a pescetarian.

  21. Fish are animals.

    There are no types of vegetarians that eat animals.

  22. Pescetarian.

  23. It makes you a non vegetarian. If you eat fish you are still eating meat and therefore NOT a vegetarian!

  24. You are not a vegetarian.  Vegetarians don't eat dead animals.  Fish are very decidedly animals.

  25. you are a semi vegetarian

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