
What kinds of activities do you have to do in 9th Grade gym class?

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What does your school make you do? Anything super-hard?

I'm just wondering....

Also, do you have to shower with other people? That really grosses me out.... :S




  1. Well when I was in 9th grade gym we had a fairly tane schedule. In my school we had PE or Weight Training (for students who wanted a harder workout). I did PE. The first 2 weeks and the last few weeks we didnt do anything due to moster heat waves that year of around upper 90's low 100's. Monday-Thursday we did a sport like Basketball, Softball, Tennis, Golf (with the little white whiffle ball), and volleyball. In California we are required to write a paper for every class so the last week of the semester we had to write a 2 page paper on a sport. The the one only thing we didnt get to due was Swim in the pool.

    On Friday we would run a mile around the track unless it was raining (that year So Cal had a huge drought so it only rained on Friday 1-2 all year) or it was to hot (September and June).

    I liked it cause I had a real chill teacher.

  2. It really all depends on the class

    In mine we did different stuff like aerobics and circuit training

    But a lot of my friends just played team games like kickball and dodgeball

    Most I've ever heard of you had to do like measurements and stuff in the beginning and the end and beat yourself at the end of the class

    I've never heard of having to shower in a gen ed type gym class but I'm not sure

  3. my school you have three options for gym class. You can take personal fitness (aerobics and stuff) Life sports (Tennis, golf etc...) or team sports (flag football, soccer etc...) I'm guessing if your school isn't structured like that you'll have a mix of all those things. No, they won't make you do anything super hard, though the warm up running did get me out of breath. Then again, I'm no good in sports at all lol. And I don't think you have to shower unless you play on a team after school or something, there's no time to do that between classes.

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