
What kinds of activities would you like to do with Sarah Palin and Cindy McCain?

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How about boxing?




  1. drink beer & go dog sledding?

    haha...this would make a really funny saturday night live sketch...can you imagine cindy drunk on her daddy's beer at sarah's kids soccer game passed out on the sidelines?

    she's too drunk to drive home so sarah calls her dogs, straps cindy on and takes her home.....  cindy sustained a minor injury to her wrist on the trip home HENCE the bandage & sling on her arm....

  2. Skeeball, miniture golf, wine tasting, a little more wine tasting, a littttle more wine tasting and when we are all in the mood..a little air hockey.

  3. Palin - discuss the strong and weak points of President Medvedev vs. PM Putin with her (and hope she might know what we're discussing...).

    McCain - play "Hide the Botox".

  4. Target practice.

  5. Sarah Palin- IDK, fishing, run, have s*x with her.  Share some moose meat with her.

    Hmm, Cindy McCain, sailboat or play some golf. Typical activities millionaires do. Talk about plastic surgery.

  6. I can see myself having dinner at the white house with Barry and Mich serving.

    But , alas , I don't think I'd make it past security.

  7. Target practice with rotten tomatoes.

  8. wow, i dont think i could list that type of sexual profanity here....cuz its LOTSSS.  

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