
What kinds of biases are inherent in the media?

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Such as slants and showing one side of the story...




  1. One of the major biases of visual media (i.e. TV) is visual entertainment value.  Did you ever notice how many car chases, fires and major automobile accidents show up on TV every day?  And did you ever wonder why the same attention is not given to the millions of people who die of 'old age' related diseases every year?

    For a less profound but more easily understood set of examples, try watching Fox News sometime - perhaps the most agenda-driven programming on TV.  Just an hour's worth of critical viewing could give you a doctoral dissertation worth of analysis.

  2. Racism due to the fact the media exemplifies white european dominance and that particular ideal of what beauty is.

    Sexism by showing women in subservient positions or by picturing them as body parts instead of entire humans.

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