
What kinds of books you don't prefer to read?

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  1. i don't like extreme sci-fi. like robots from the 2050 or something like that.

    and i don't like harlequins, i like romance, but those are just too extreme.

    "i have amnesia, and this super hot guy claims that i'm his wife, but instead i have feelings for my very handsome doctor, who leads single yet successful life"

    ...yeah, that's not for me. xD

  2. I guess I can grow to like any type of book. I love horror, just because it gets me, not the type where there is romance involved; I find creatures in horror (who fall in love with humans) quite...a nuisance. I love stories that are real and to the point like, Geography Club, which is about a group of kids who make a fake club because people are against g**'s quite good actually and I was recommended it.

    Alright, onto what I don't like. Yes, there is a section. Books like I said. I can't stand a vampire or a human falling in love with one another it's just...lame. Mortals can't have demon children unless you're in some magical, different world. I also tend to hate some Sci-fi books that don't make any sense. Like, a random time worm opens in the sea for no reason. It's a bit over done.

    I also tend to not read books if I don't like one of the authors previous books because I know it won't be good, like The Host....

    -_-; I also don't like things...with plots that seem to go on forever...

  3. I cannot stand to read romance novels. They are so stupid!!

  4. I don't like sci fi or romances.  I don't like sports, but most everything else I read voraciously.

  5. I don't like old western or historical books.

    and usually major scifi things like zombies and aliens i'm not too big on either. and most adult type romances are pretty ew.

  6. science fiction, definitely. Everything else is fine with me

  7. Rockin',

    I'm not partial to non-fiction books that deal with sickness. I feel sorry for these people, but reading about them is just to depressing. I try to keep an upbeat mind that's mostly free of negativity.

    I watch very little commercial TV because of this. Every . . . or at least every other commercial is these carpetbaggers selling their liver destroying drugs for one disease or another. There are times when the side effects are worse then the original problem. It's like they're stuffing it down my throat day after day. Just too depressing.

    Give me horror, mystery, a bit of SciFi, and at times a comedy, but other than that I'm not interested.

    PJ M

  8. Books that have too complicated a literary style, its really off putting, when you trying to concerntrate on reading the story, and you get sidetracked, or find it difficult to understand, because the writing style is so complext

  9. I can be turned on to any kind of book really.  However, I tend to avoid horror, true crime when it is grizzly, and some extreme sci-fi.  Call me old fashion, but I prefer not to have the s*x scenes in a book either.  Just the implication of it is fine with me.  Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean that I want to read it.

    However, like I said, I'll never turn a book down if someone recommends it.  I'll give it a shot.

  10. I love to read anything, mostly. But if I had to choose, then my least favorite would be those about espionage.

  11. historical fiction is boring to read.

  12. I'm not a huge fan of mysteries, or biographies. Really I like any other kind of book. I even think historical fiction is good (Fever 1793. Best historical fiction EVER!!!!).

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