
What kinds of clothing should I pack for a July trip to southern Alaska and Seatle?

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The weather is mild around the Vancouver/Seatle/Sitka area but I'm not sure if I should pack shorts opting for 60/70 degree weather or for 50 degree weather with heavier sweaters?




  1. It depends on which part of Southern Alaska you are going to.

    I live outside of Homer, which is in the south central Alaska on the coast. We've been in the low 60's so far this month.

    I believe, though, if your going by Juneau, it's in the high 50's, so about the same here.

    My best suggestion is to do a quick search on yahoo weather for the area you plan to travel to when it's close to your trip.

    Have fun!

  2. If you're coming to southeast (Juneau, Ketchikan, Sitka, Skagway, etc...), be prepared for rain.  Also be prepared for sun.  Although we haven't had much this summer.  Our rains usually aren't like down south, more of a mist, but it can last all day.  You'll probably find it cooler here than you are used to so be prepared and don't be surprised at us locals walking around in t-shirts. Do yourself a favor and leave your umbrella at home, we don't use them here (wind) and they become a major annoyance for locals and tourists alike on the streets. (14,000 people off the cruise ships a day isn't unusual)

    Sweaters, rain coat, fleece are all good ideas.

    Enjoy our state and your trip.

    I'll be the tall fella in a t-shirt and carharts.

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