
What kinds of fish go good with platies?

by Guest66531  |  earlier

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I have 4 platies in a 45 gallon long rectangular tank. I'm not sure what other kinds of fish would go good together with them. I was sort of looking into getting an angel fish? Any suggestions would be wonderful. Thanks!




  1. guppies,mollies,swordtails,catfish,pleco...


  2. guppies cherry barbs mollies  

  3. Well, angels...not a good community fish. You don't have any nippy fish at the moment, but once the angel gets to full eats small bye bye adult plates! lol! A really bad community fish! Some mollies, guppies, sword tails, tetras, Cory's, any small fish actually!

  4. platys can go with tetras but not aggressive ones.

  5. Platies are very peaceful and will live with just about any other fish.  Angels generally don't make great community fish and would definitely eat any fry the platies have plus the adults as the angels get bigger.


  6. Guppies, Dainos, sword tails, tetras, and other platies of course. I have had a community tank for about a little over a year and just keep adding to my collection Good luck with fish keeping!

  7. Despite your other answer i have had very good luck with angelfish in community aquariums.  I have kept them with tetras that are smaller than platies and I don't think you should have any trouble with them.  

    Some tankmates for your platies include:  angelfish, tetras, mollies, corydoras, plecostomus, gouramis etc.

    Good Luck!

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