
What kinds of fruits or vegetable did homo sapiens eat?

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we are not homo sapiens we are homo sapiens sapiens so dont give an answer like carots or strawberries unless they really ate those stuff.




  1. They did.  Well, the wild versions, anyway.  Neanderthals probably had a similar diet to more modern humans, so anything you can eat, they could probably eat, too.  The modern human diet is a lot different than the pre-Agricultural Revolution diet, of course.  Our modern diet is pretty limited compared to what the hunter/gatherers generally dine upon, though we also eat more internationally.  Rice comes from Asia, and wheat is Middle Eastern, but those are most Americans' main staples.

    ETA: I didn't mean to imply that hunter/gatherers eat tons of grains, and certainly not at the level us modern agriculturalists do.  I was just using that as an easy example of how international current diets are.  I wouldn't say that no h/gs ever ate grains, though.  It happened, though it was rare, especially compared to today.  They were a ***** to deal with before they were domesticated, so they weren't high on anyone's list.  It's really hard to make generalizations about their diets, though, because they lived and still live in all sorts of environments.  They ate what was available and, when they had that luxury, what was easy or really tasty.  Tubers were particularly popular, and whatever was growing at the time.

  2. Those of the early species of plants that are hard. For example, the uncooked "gabi" and potatos. Ohh, and also the nuts that fall or picked up from trees since our early ancestores dont know how to culrivate. They just gather, they don't know how to plant yet in those early, primative years.

  3. OK...Archaic Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Cro-Magnon) lived alongside Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis, primarily in Europe, between 10-40,000 years ago, and were Hunter/Gatherers, not farmers...

    Cultivated vegetables, as we know them, are associated with farming, and did not evolve until the past 5,000 years or so...For example, Egypt's First Dynasty (3000 BCE) cultivated onions, which were quite popular back then, as now!

    So, Hunter/Gatherers had a diet of Red meat, fish, nuts, any type of fruit which was in season, any edible vegetation such as leaves, grasses, bird's eggs, honey, tubers and various types of roots...

    Grain foods came along with the advent of farming, within the past 10,000 years...

  4. Honestly, if we are homo sapiens sapiens, what are homo sapiens. Why don't we see any of our partly formed selves in a transitional state. I am sorry I can't answer your question due to the lack of empirical evidence.

  5. we are homo sapiens and basically all of our species eat the same things.  What other types of fruits and vegetables exist?

  6. I would place my bets on fruits and vegetables that have lot of water content to them. Since water is hard to find if you are far from fresh water. But humans are survivors so anything that we have an opportunity is what we ate.

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