
What kinds of games do kids in Costa Rica play?

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I am teaching about Costa Rica. I am looking for kids games and rules that my students can play. Something like Duck, Duck, Goose, Ring Around the Roses, or Sharks and Minnows.




  1. Costa Ricans love soccer but this is not the only thing for kids to do. They love to play trompos, yo-yos and canicas. The outdoor activities like quedo, bate, suiza, skating, biking, running kites, and , of course, most kids take advantage of our wonderful country and go fishing, swimming diving, kayaking, any time of the year all over the country.

    As you can see, our kids DO NOT spend their time playing video games or just watching t.v.

  2. I know this is not the answer you seek, but in my time spent with tipico familia in Costa Rica ... the games I have witnessed are; futbol, hide-n-seek and video games (ie: playstation, gamecube) - much like U.S. children.

    Hopefully you get something more tipico or original off this site, but my son and his cousins/family play the above.

    If you are interested in REAL pictures of Costarricense or Tico family life to share with your class, I invite you to view my own albums at the link below in the Source section.

    -Bill Clanton

    Las Nubes de Coronado, San Jose, Costa Rica

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