
What kinds of guns can cops carry?

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What kinds of guns can cops carry?




  1. The Dept. specifies what is allowed to be carried by an Officer for a duty weapon. Many have hit the key points, they are usually semi-automatic and in calibers with the smallest being 9mm and the largest being .45cal. Some large Departments like having their Officers carry identical duty weapons and other smaller Departments allow an Officer to carry a different weapons that are personally owned but the Officer has to pay for it. These Departments will have a policy on what type of manufacturers, calibers and actions an Officer can purchase for duty use.

    I work in a small Dept. and carry a 1911 A-1 Springfield for duty use. This is a pistol that is beginning to gain wide acceptance as a Duty weapon as opposed to a specialty that was limited to tactical teams etc.

    Otherwise, most Officers are limited to having a firearm that "Double action only" like a Glock, S&W M&P or Springfield XD. Or traditional Semi-autos like a Sig, Ruger or what have you where the first shot is Double action and the rest are single action.

    Guns that are usually not allowed are ones considered '''exotics" like Desert Eagles, CZ or Makarov.

  2. the kind that kill

  3. It always varies by department.  Almost all departments are VERY strict about what can be carried as the primary duty weapon, and some, just as strict about a secondary (concealed) weapon.  There are some departments which still will only allow a 6-shot revolver.  Most use semi-autos, but regulate the calibre: many require a .40 or .45, although some only allow a 9mm.

    The most popular brands which are spec'd by departments are Glock & Springfield Armory.  The Springfield is usually spec'd when they require a "1911" style gun.

    Many departments actually issue you the firearm, but some still require you to provide your own.  Every department that I know of provides your duty ammo.

    Long guns are always (that I know of) provided by the department, and there is little consistency with those.

  4. Usually 9 Mil and Shotguns

  5. Pretty much anything. Our dept is into glocks, but you can carry any auto that is 9mm or better.

    Urban rifles and shotguns are standard.

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