
What kinds of healthy food can you eat in college?

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I've been here for about a week already and have been eating very unhealthy food. The dining hall offers chicken fingers, grilled chicken sandwiches, pizza, mozzarella sticks, mac & cheese, pasta, salads (but they taste really gross here-idk how well they're cleaned). I have instant oatmeal in my room which I try to have for breakfast sometimes. I wasn't worried about it because I have to walk far to my classes so I figured the exercise would even it out, but I have been getting stomach aches and I think it's from eating all the junk food. What are some healthy things I can make (and eat) in my dorm? btw I have a microwave & fridge here




  1. get fruit, and vegetables. and Multivitamins if u want. Cheers.

  2. yeah that is pretty bad! i would eat pasta, salad, juice, veggies, WHOLE GRAINS.... stuff like that. and i know that colleges have that kinda food! Just don't be tempted to take all the junk/greasy food just because it is a buffet. Hope this helped :)

  3. Vegetables are SO EASY in the microwave and will really fill you up.

    Broccoli, green beans, spinach...  they can all be steamed. Just get a cheap microwavable container, chop your veggies and put a sploosh of water in, then cover it (leaving a small gap) and microwave it for 2-4 minutes. You'll figure out exact times after doing it once or twice.

    Soup is also really good for you and really low in calories. Or canned chili!

  4. Ahh, i feel for ya.  But good for you for wanting to eat healthier.  The good news is, it is easy and simple to prepare healthy, tasteful meals in the microwave.  In fact, you can cook almost anything in the microwave!  Here is a good link to some microwavable friendly meals:

    As for your fridge and pantry, i would keep it stocked with some basics.  Get some whole-grain bread and maybe pick up some lean turkey breast and cheese and you can pack a healthy sandwich. You can also buy some pita bread and make turkey wraps.  Canned tuna is also a good staple.  Stock up on fresh fruits like apples, berries, peaches, grapes, bananas, and melon.  Don't forget veggies too!  Brocolli and carrot sticks with low-fat ranch or hummus dip would make a great snack.  Get some low-fat milk and whole-grain cereal for a quick breakfast.  Good snacks include fresh veggies and fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese, string cheese, and trail mix.  

    Good luck with college!

  5. have some yogurt, apples, carrots, lean cuisines are pretty good, If you've bought a meal plan at school, and don't want to waste the money you spent on it, just try to limit the unhealthy stuff.

  6. Well you should deff stuff the fridge with some veggies and fruits. instead of oatmeal everyday for breakfast, you can make yourself a yummy fruit salad. Have a bottle of your favorite dressing and eat it with some on hand veggies like cellary,carrots, etc.

  7. if you got a mini fridge that could help stock it with:

    carrots (dips if you like that with vegetables)


    juices, milk

    meats (turkey, ham (lunch meat) )

    sotck your cupboards with:


    tortilla chips (for snacks)

    and here is a way to make trail mix:


    cheerios, or chex mix (cereal)



    raisins or other dried fruit

    add 1 cup of cereal

    1 table spoon of everything else, mix it up and you have trail mix

    (this is good for snacks and you can also add marshmellows if you like those)

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