
What kinds of jobs can one get with a major in biology?

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I am about to graduate from college with a bachelors in science in Biological Sciences from a fairly reputable university. What are my options (career wise) besides 1) going to graduate school, and 2) becoming a k-12 teacher.. ? What kind of organizations will hire me and what kind of salary am i looking at?

Also, what is the best way to go about finding a good job in this field?




  1. Agriculture (See also: Animal Science)

    Agronomy (See also: Soil Science, Agriculture)

    Animal Behavior (Ethology)

    Animal Behavior Society

    Animal Science (See also: Agriculture, Dairy Science)


    Aquatic Science (See also: Limnology, Marine Biology, Oceanography)


    Bacteriology--See Microbiology


    Biodiversity Studies--See Systematics


    Bioinformatics   (Computer technology to study biological topics--see also:  Informatics)

    Biological Systems Engineering

    Biological Materials Supply Companies

    Biometry (Biostatistics)--See also: Mathematical Biology


    Biotechnology (See also: Genetics)


    Conservation of Natural Resources

    Curation of Museums

    Dairy Science

    Developmental Biology

    Ecology and Environment (See also:  Landscape Ecology)


    Comparative Endocrinology

    Entomology (Study of Insects)

    American Board of Forensic Entomology (See also:  see under F, below)

    Environmental journalism

    Environmental Law

    Ethology--See Animal Behavior

    Fisheries Biology

    Food Science (See also: Nutrition, Under "Medicine...")

    Forensic Science (Biology and Law Enforcement)

    Forensic Entomology--See Entomology

    Forensic Entomology as a Career

    Forensic Science at Michigan State



    Genetic counseling

    Genetics (See also: Biotechnology)

    Genomics (study of gene sequences)

    Health Fields--See "Medicine..."

    Herpetology (Reptiles, Amphibians)


    Ichthyology (Study of Fish: See also: Fisheries Biology)


    Informatics (Using Computers in Biology and Medicine--see also: Bioinformatics)

    Laboratory Animal Science (See also: Veterinary Medicine, Under "Medicine...")

    Landscape Architecture

    Limnology (See also: Aquatic Science and Marine Biology)

    Mammalogy: American Society of Mammalogists

    Marine Mammal Science

    Marine Biology

    Mathematical Biology (See also: Biometry)

    Medicine and Health Occupations

    Microbiology, Bacteriology


    Mycology (Study of Fungi)

    Nematology (Study of Nematode Worms)

    Neuroscience (Neurobiology)


    Oceanography--See also: Aquatic Science and Marine Biology

    Ornithology (study of birds)



    The Peace Corps


    Phycological Society of America (Study of Algae)

    Physiology (Animal)

    American Physiological Society

    Comparative Physiology

    Plant Pathology

    Proteomics (study of protein structure and function)

    Science writer:  See Environmental journalism)

    Soil Science See also: Agronomy)

    Systematics (and Biodiversity)

    Systematic and Evolutionary Biology

    Systematic Botany

    Teaching Biology

    Theoretical Biology

    Veterinary Medicine--See Medicine and Health Occupations

    Virology (See also: Microbiology)

    Wildlife Conservation and Management--See Conservation of Natural Resources

    Zoology (See also: Animal Behavior, Entomology, Fisheries Biology, Herpetology, Ichthyology, Mammalogy, Ornithology)

    Invertebrate Zoology

    Vertebrate Morphology (Anatomy)

    Zoos and other Animal Parks

    Zoo management

  2. With a Bachelor's degree, you can work in a lab/pharmaceutical companies as lab assistant. There are many other career you can do other than teach. You can look for more info at, or

    I would actually recommend graduate school studies. Whether you are thinking about medical school, pharm school, dental school, etc, or a Master's program in science would help you a lot in moving forward. Master/PH.D programs require the student to work almost full time in a lab, which will give you extension experience with the frontier of science. With these experience, it will be much easier to get a job in a company with a more desirable pay check.

    Good luck!

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