
What kinds of life insurance cover funeral costs?

by Guest56386  |  earlier

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I was just diagnosed with endometrial cancer and the doctor is sure I'm just in Stage II but I still have to have a colonoscopy to make sure it's not spread. Plus, I have something wrong with my heart. Is there any life insurance that would pay for my funeral in case I might die? I am single and don't want a "welfare" funeral or my family being obligated to pay for my burial.




  1. All kinds of life insurance will cover funeral costs. However, base on your medical condition, most companies may not want to insure you.

    But there's a way to get around it. In order to get life insurance you have to qualify for it. So you would get any reputable company and pay your first month premiums. Then a medical paramedic would come to your house (or where ever you want him/her to meet you) to do a medical exam on you. Then the underwriter of the insurance company will examine the medical results and see if you qualify for life insurance or not. The entire process takes at most 3 months. If you don't qualify for life insurance, the insurance company will refund your premium. The good part of all this that during the 3 month you are waiting to see if you qualify for life insurance is that you are fully covered. If you die during the 3 months, your beneficiary or beneficiaries will get the life insurance money.

    So every 2-3 months, you may have to re-apply for life insurance until you find a company that will insure you.

  2. Hello, I am sorry to hear of your situation. I have just seen "burial insurance" while getting a quote from this page  so perhaps this is what you are looking for.

    I do hope it will never come to it and that you will recover from this and live to be 100 years old.

    My heart goes out to you.

  3. Dear beautiful girl: I am sorry to hear that you are ill, and hope you recover. Right now, you won't qualify for any life insurance that you have to take a physical for, because of the state of your health. If you apply for insurance that does not require a physical, and die within the next few years, the death benefit would be substantially reduced ( that is how those policies work). So, the smartest thing to do is go to a funeral home and prepay your funeral. You can buy a casket, pay for the service, a cremation or burial, too--all in advance, even a headstone. The Funeral companies and cemeteries all have pre-payment plans, so that you can pay monthly or quarterly-whatever works for you. Best of luck to you, and a speedy and complete recovery.

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