
What kinds of oil is there?

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What kinds of oil is there as in Crude oil (thats the only one i know i think there is like 2 more and I need to know them) and if possible a bit about the types of oil.





  1. 1)  Paraffinic crude -  hydrocarbons are composed of chainlike molecules - generally the most desireable crude for refining etc.

    2) Asphalitc crude - hydrocarbons are mostly composed of ring like molecules arranged in clumps and sheets - This is generally a very nasty, gooey, heavy oil and requires lots of treatment to refine useable products out of it.

    3) Aromatic crude - hydrocarbon molecules are mostly rings but with only half as much hydrogen.  This is very rare...most of the other two crude types have small amounts of this in them.  This crude can produce some very valuable compounds that are used in synthetic rubber and plastics

    Sorry, that is about as simple as I can get it.

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