
What kinds of plants bloom or release pollen at night?

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I have been getting hives for the last several weeks, and I seem to get them worse at night. I went to a dermatologist and he is telling me just to take Zyrtec...which has helped, but if I forget to take it, I start having problems at night. I often have problems breathing. Someone suggested it might be a plant outside my window (since this is the first time in my life I have ever gotten Hives and we've only been at this house for a year). Any ideas or suggestions on what kinds of plants bloom at night? Please let me know cause I feel like I'm dying.




  1. I think jasmine and frangipani are all 'moongarden' types of flowers.  Google moongarden, or white garden, or night garden.  A lot of people plant these white, night-blooming flowers together on purpose for aesthetic reasons and for their strong fragrance at night.  I think other typse of night blooming flowers include flowering tobacco, moonflower, yucca, etc.

  2. Frangipani...if you live where it grows...(tropics/Florida)....

  3. Night blooming Jasmine is fairly common.Passes a tissue,I feel your pain

  4. There are a great many plants which open and so release pollen nocturnally. Evening Stocks (Matthiola Bicornis), Evening Tobacco (Nicotiana  Alata), a  number of the Daturas, and the Night-blooming Cereus are but a few. Cestrum Nocturnum is a particularly obnoxious little shrub which must be thrown out the window in the middle of the night when it gets to be too much. Many Jasmines begin shouting out their presence and have to go sleep in the shed.

  5. michelia figo release a very strong scent at dusk

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