
What kinds of plants will survive in a five-month old, five gallon, goldfish aquarium?

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My tank gets moderate lighting and has medium-grade gravel on bottom. To complicate matters, my goldfish apparently hates plants. He eats them, pulls off the leaves, uproots them, and generally creates a disaster. I have a Java Fern in there right now and so far he hasn't killed it. Any other economical suggestions? Thank you!




  1. comets/commons need 50  gallons

    and 10 gallons for each additional gold fish

    fancys need 20 gallons

    and 10 gallons for each additional gold fish

    i would recommend plastic silk plants s goldfish will eat most live plants

  2. Fake ones. I have 4 goldfish in a ten gallon tank with 2 fake plants. They don't attack them at all. I have had my fish for two years now and they are fine in that tank.

  3. goldfish are scavengers it will eat all plants.  only sollution for having plants in tank is to put barrier.

  4. Or he is bored and is finally being stimulated. Goldfish love to eat plants. Anacharis is like one of their favorite, if you can get your hands on it. It's illegal in some states. But if you can, buy it for him so he will tear his teeth into that instead of the other plants. The light disperses in the water so you have to make sure these are aquatic plants, not plants that can grow under water. But you may just want to get a larger aquarium. His space is being intruded on and he probably wants more room to swim. I'm not going to tell you to get a bigger tank, but your fish will need it eventually.  

  5. A commonly available little grassy type of plant known as "Dwarf Mondo Grass" is a hardy little plant that would do well in the ammonia of goldfish.

    ....that is the same plant that is sold in the garden center at Wal-Mart in the 4" containers, used in gardens and flower beds, ~$1.49/each...

    ...i use it in my tank by washing off all the dirt from the roots (at the faucet outside) then i plant the bare rooted grassy pieces into the tank, right into the gravel, i don't use any 'substrate' and have several healthy plants that have been in the tank for over 5 months now

    ....the tank receives bright indirect sunlight

  6. A 10 gallon tank at Petsmart is $11.99

    A 20 gallon tank at Petsmart is $24.99.


  7. A goldfish should be in a minimum of a 20 gallon tank with really good filtration.  They get much to big (12" at maturity) for a small tank.  They love all live plants and will eat just about anything you put in and they also love to dig in the gravel.  

    Keeping a goldfish in a small tank will lead to eventual death from organ failure.  They become stunted and although they appear to just not grow their internal organs keep growing until the die.


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