
What kinds of problems would a "phsychic'' get into?

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oh sorry i didnt mean the kinds that tell future or things like that, and im not saying i am one,but something better and non evil who dosnt get his abilitys from demons or spirits, i am cristian after all




  1. A false Psychic will always have legal problems; But a real one can have spiritual problems when he uses his gift to search into things that evil spirits don't want to be searched, this evil spiritual entities can cause from a simple head ache to a full possession of the psychic's body.

  2. The biggest problem is that most people think quite correctly that they are frauds if they take money for a service which is impossible to provide.

    They are also thought of as being mentally unbalanced as no sane person claims to be able to foretell the future and all the other tripe that so called psychics claim to be able to do, not sure that this is a problem for them though.

  3. Mostly avoiding vice squads and fraud units.

  4. Not sure what your asking but Ill attempt to answer anyway, because it doesnt sound like a really serious question.

    Here are some problems that a psychic might face.

    It seems that most psychics I encounter can't use thier abilities at will, and thus can not prove thier abilities exist, as testing would inevitiably fail. It just comes and goes when it wants. This might inticate that a third party is involved in the abilities, or simply a lack of a control mechanism.

    Ones that can control thier abilities seem to generally be fakes.

    Ok, another problem is religion. If you are a christian then premonitions can come from one of two places, God or demons. You have to figure out which one. This also cooresponds to the third party controlling the visions mentioned earlier.

    Lastly, but not leastly, its possible that all psychics are frauds or delusional, and that its not possible to predict the future, or read minds, or any of that at all. This would be a major problem for an up and coming psychic.

  5. My answer is lots of problems.The main one is being exposed.Since psychics are either faking or delusional.Only the most clever and devious keep up the charade for long.

  6. First things first...if your thinking about it stop right now. It is dangerous. It is almost as bad as the occult if not worse. Real psychics commune directly with demons. This may not sound too bad to you and you may not think it real but it is. I know a guy who's wife's father was high up priest of the occult and his child was possessed because of it. These demons were so strong that it took half a dozen grown men to barely manage to hold down a child that isn't even a year old.

    If that doesn't stop you then remember that even though it may just seem like fun or a legitimate way to make money it is not. You are never in control. You cannot control them.

    There is a DVD that you should watch. It is of a guy called Walter Veith. It is his testimony from how he trurned from evolutionist catholic to crestionist Seventh Day Adventist. It will change what you think of psychics and there profession because you should remember that this could happen to you if you get into that sort of stuff.

    I hope i have helped

  7. From my understanding Psychics can not control their abilities.

    They come and go with the "spirits". For instance your at a friends house for a good time and all the sudden you are flooded with feelings or visions you can't turn off, there goes your good time.

    A true psychic has to learn to deal with the constant bombardment or learn what can trigger their abilities.

  8. I had a problem a few months ago that I thought was quite amusing, I can remote view, which means that if I am connected to you I can come and take a look around where you are. I soon learned that not every one wants you to invade their space.... lol,  so I learned that I was acting rude... telepathically, something I would not be in person.

  9. running into people who can't spell "psychic" for starters...

  10. If you're psychic and you don't know that you are..and you say out loud what you "hear"  to other people...they will hold you responsible for what you say...even if they're not your thoughts! It can get you into a lot of trouble .

    I think one of the most important things about being psychic is realizing that you  are...and then learning how to handle it and use it for good...not evil or just for fun.

  11. 1- not being believed and thought to be kooky be people who meet you

    2- branded as an attention seeking looney tune - and may be avoided

    3- nicer people will brand you as accentric

    4- your visions and hunches will only just touch the service of the problem and you will not have any control in being able to solve or do anything. For an example in 1993 a young girl was snatched and raped and murederd. 11 years later that situation came strongly to mind and all I could do was say a prayer because I knew somewhere something awful had happened to another little girl. This was true and I heard on the news about a little girl who was snatched, raped and murdered at a caravan park. But the mind gives you comparisons about these things nort actual answers

    5- Psychics get no respect from people

    6- They may see spirits but really cannot do anything

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