
What kinds of psychics are there+?

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I can kind of read peoples minds and when people fflip a coin I can tell what side it is but only after its landed (no I didn't just look at the coin) I can't see futue things, but I can see things in the presentthat i have no way of knowing.

Is that still Psychic? I thought psychics could see the future.

I'm not crazy and I know I can't spell.




  1. If your psychic you should know how to spell. Thats like predicting letters,  if you cant spell how can you predict someones future! !

  2. im a psycic

  3. Well as long you can admit you can't spell.

    Some psychics are genuine, but there are a lot more who are fake.

  4. Well obviously you know what you know better than any of us would. So the thought of trying to convince you you were deluded never crossed my mind.

    There is one kind of psychic it's called "Anything Alive" but those living things all have a range of abilities from the inane to the absurd in varying levels of useability. Man kind has coined terms for more psychic phenomen than we have actually witnessed. They all fall back on the same principal though, the way your brains wiring meshes with the rest of reality. So if you can see the contents of an envelope without opening it your in good company, there are alot of them. that particular aspect has been called "remote viewing" even if it's to feet away its remote viewing because it is not in front of your eyes it is hidden.

    one small point though, if all you can do is tell what side a coin is thats only a 50/50 chance it's not enough to prove anything. try doing harder stuff.  

  5. Only one kind: fake ones.

    Edit: I'm not trying to convince you that you're a fake. I *know* you are a fake. You are either lying or deluded. You can "kind of read peoples minds"? Seriously? Why "kind of"? What is the difference between "kind of reading peoples minds" and effectively "reading peoples minds"?

    As for the coin flip thing...So, if i flip a coin right now, can you tell which side it lands on?

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