
What kinds of recycling programs does America have?

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I have a friend that goes to school in Buffalo. She said they don't have any recycling bins for cans, glass, paper, etc. on campus. Is this a common occurence?

What about recycling at home? Do you have weekly pick-ups or things like that?




  1. In the US that uses so much, there should be a nation wide program versus by locality. That way there would be:

    1) one central administration,

    2) Increase in jobs in the labour sector

    3) the public would have a clear understanding of rules and practices of the recycling program

    4) more marterial would be recycled - great for the enironment

    5) greater understanding why we recycle, and the critical issues that effect our choices everyday

    6) higher % of the next generation recycling

    But right now it all depends on where you live, I live in a city called North ogden, and that city is considered to be a bit posh! so every two weeks there is a bin up pick up - trash collection - for the recycle bins.

    But the city next to us, does not have the recycling program. Even though that city is only divided by about ten yeards still there is no recycling there.

  2. This is a great question!  And it makes me wish that all towns had the same recycling programs in place and that they were all COMPLETE!  That would mean that each town would have a range of options at every recycling depot to handle all items that need recycling.

    I have seen transfer stations and recycle facilities in many towns and states and most have only "some" recycle options in place.  They inlcude any of the following (but rare to find a town that has all):

    Curbside recycle of bottles, cans, paper

    Cardboard Box

    Hazardous materials



    Yard waste pick up or deliver to depot

    Compost and Chip exchange

    Book return

    Paint exchange

    Computer electronic pick up or deliver to depot

    Appliance pick up or deliver to depot

    SWAP shop (for any usable items)

    Thrift Bins (womens shelters, goodwill etc)

    Things most towns do not have:

    Styrofoam (no money in this unfortunately the worst landfill problem besides plastic

    Ink Cartridge

    Laser Cartridge

    Cell phone

    Plastic bags

    Thermometer (mercury)

    (though there are programs sometimes available elsewhere for the above)

    (I hope I am not missing anything)

    In my opinion-if all towns had a swap shop--this would be the BEST thing they could do.  I am not sure of the figure but in my town alone what gets thrown away in curbside trash (to end up in a landfill) would fill a football stadium each month!

    Everything recyclable would get a NEW HOME!  Imagine.

    Some great links

  3. Most cities have pretty good programs and recycle Glass, Paper, Aluminum, Plastics, etc.

    Many smaller communities are not willing to pay the cost of doing it.

  4. there is no house pickup from where I am from but in Denver colorado they have a system for that. We recycle paper, plastic, glass, metal including aluminum, and used oil.

  5. I used to live in Buffalo. At the time there was curbside pick-up for recyclables. I also went to school at Buff State but that was before recycling. I now live in another part of NY and people pay for private pick-up. Our hauler picks up the recyclables every other week. No extra charge. We have recycled this way since it started years ago. Has you friend inquired about why there isn't? There are two colleges in the town that I live in and there is recycling at both of them. One is a state college. I did go to the Stewart Airport in Newburgh, NY and they didn't recycle at the airport. That's my two cents worth.  There is, for those interested, a website called freecycle. It at least helps keep things out of landfills that still have some use left in them. Some "uses" are of a completely different nature than the product was intended, so maybe something you have really could be used by someone else! Everyone should check that out. We also have periodic hazardous recycling, etc. around here.

  6. Recycling varies greatly by state and region. Some have mandatory recycling, others have voluntary.  Not all communities provide bins for recycling, the individual consumer can purchase them.

    My old community had specific days of the week where the garbagemen would pick up certain types of recyclables (paper, plastic, glass etc.)

  7. Here in Central California we recycle plastics (all types), paper, cans, and glass.  On the college campuses in this town there are recycle bins all over the place.  There is also a city run service that chips the branches that are trimmed off the trees.  Then anyone who wants it can go and get free mulch.

    The incentive for all of this is that California has to reduce its garbage and such or suffer penalties.

    As for your friends school in Buffalo, she needs to talk to the student government there and request that recycle bins be placed on campus.  If she starts it perhaps other students will join in an a change for the better will result.

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