
What kite would you recommend for a beginner to Kitesurfing ?

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Hi, Ive started learning to Kitesurf, using a Cabrinha Swtichblade 14m in choppy waters. To be frank, I'm finding it a bit of a handful. I come from a kitebuggy background, but find myself struggling to keep the kite under control. I have done about 4 hrs training, and can stand up on the board for only a few moments each time.

Question is - is it me or my equipment. OK, its a difficult one to answer, but comm'on guys, all kitesurfers have an opinion on kites - so dont be shy.....tell me what you think.





  1. Hey M! Your problem is most likely rooted in both you and your equipment. Learning on a kite larger than 12m or so can be tricky, given the slow turning of large kites and power of having that much kite in the sky. That said, the Switchblade is a really friendly kite thanks to its depower abilities, so I would say stick with it. I learned to kite on a 14m Naish Torch with not very much depower, and it certainly gave me a hard time. Great kite, just not for beginners. Also, your board may be too short.  Most beginners find it easier to get up and plane on a board that is 145cm and longer. When I give lessons I normally have my students ride the Liquid Force Proof 151 or 161cm, and the extra surface area gets them up and riding easier. Taking lessons from a reputable instructor definitely helps as well. As for a prescription to help, try and figure out which aspect of kiting is giving you the most trouble - the kite or the board - and focus on it. Buy a trainer kite and fly it whenever there is wind to get your kite skills dialed in, or try other boardsports, preferably wakeboarding, to help your board skills. Hope this helps get you out on the water soon!


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