
What kitty litter should I use?

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I'm about to get a young kitten and there are so many types of kitty litter - how am I supposed to know what's best for my cat? Fuller's clay? Lightweight? Wood-based? Clump-forming? Clump-free? Antibacterial? My previous cats have all been adult outdoor cats so I've never had to look into this before. UK answers preferred, please, in case the products offered in the US are different.

Thanks : )




  1. speaking from a person who had just got a kitten i would suggest

    unscented it works. i hope my answer helps!=)

  2. I am a BIG fan of Arm and Hammer, the plain stuff not the ones with crystals.  We like the multi-cat too.

    It's great for males who have UTI's and stuff

  3. There are some basic guidelines I can give you but remember one thing : You don'T have the final decision! You cat does. So whatever litter kind you may choose, your cat may not like it. But since you have a kitten, chances are he will adapt to many kind of litter. If it is a kitten that stayed at least a month with his mother and was litter trained by her, you shouldn't had any problem. But if kitty don't want to go into the litter, then you have your answer

    So since you get a kitten you might want to try a litter that is convenient for you first. Here are the guidelines :

    1) Type of litter that is dense. Most cat will not like it when they sink in the litter particularly If it is a long haired cat. 2 inch of litter is normally sufficent. If you think that by putting more litter you will have to clean it less often, you're wrong.

    2) The antibacterial, wood based, fuller's clay, lightweight....all of this are marketing things. Remember that your cat's instinct dictates him to go on sand or dirt, which for us, human, wouldn't be praticle because of the scent.

    Good luck

  4. Arm and Hammer odor alert clumping litter; it shows you where the cat has use the litter box with the pre indicator, it changes colors so you can see.  

  5. well I am not in the UK but I can tell you what I use, they might have the same kind of product there.

    It's called yesterdays news. It is recycled news paper made into tight little balls. It is super absorbent and I find my litter does not smell with it at all. The bad thing is that it does not clump. Good thing is its cheap ( here it is) and earth friendly :)

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