
What knife is best?

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out the front or switchblade




  1. For hunting I'd say Buck. For defense I'd say Gerber.

  2. microtech makes fine swithcblades.,.  stay away from them, youll get in trouble son.

  3. Buck (American Made) or PUMA (German Made).

    I can't recommend ANY Chinese made knives. Their quality is a sometimes deal.

    Neither of these companies make switchblade or front blade.

    For those types of knives it doesn't matter on the quality since they will probably be left at the 'scene of the crime' anyway.

  4. SOG or Boker are my favorites. check out for knives

  5. The swing out type is better. The front open ones don't tend to lock positively. Some real beauties on the internet. Type automatic knife on your search engine and see what pops up. Be prepared to spend big bucks if you are qualified for the sale, restrictions are prohibitive.

  6. This depends on what you are wanting the knife for.  for hunting, dressing an animal,  I go with the buck knife.  It's all opinions though, find the one that suits your needs.  like the other guy said. gerber is good defense.

    switchblades are useless (in my opinion) for anything.

  7. I believe what you are referring to is a stilleto or a switchblade...knives where you hit a button and the blade "springs" out.  Of the two, a locking blade switchblade would be the best for safety reasons.  Both of these knives are all but useless for anything more involved than cutting rope.  If you want the best all-around knife for all situations, get a good utility folder.  Gerber, Buck, Leatherman and Browning all make quality units; and with practice can be opened with a flick of the wrist just as fast as a switchblade.
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