
What lab osmosis experiment could you suggest?

by Guest21283  |  earlier

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We’re having a lab experiment tomorrow showing osmosis

Could you suggest any lab experiment?

That could only take …less than an hour?

Please include only materials that are in household…thanks..just making it simple SHOWING OSMOSIS..

We don't have sucrose, glucose, and other rare substances.




  1. water and dishwash detergent, i dont know, or maybe vinegar, sugar water, ink,  

  2. strawberry in water. take a beaker and put water in it. put 4 toothpicks in a strawberry. angle them down so the strawberry sits in the water. leave it for a time and the strawberry will grow. this is because there is more water outside the strawberry so it equals out by letting more in. if you want the opposite, mix sugar into the water and it should shrivel a bit.

  3. Use cellophane paper as a semi-permeable membrane.

    Make it into a sort of a bag after adding a salt water solution.

    Immerse it in a beaker of pure water and after a few hours check on it

    It would have become turgid due to osmosis

    Or alternatively you can attach a thin glass tube to the cellophane paper, tie the paper around the tube and check after a few hours to see that the level of water in the tube has risen.

  4. have two glasses of water, add salt to one of them,put lettuce in each, observe changes in the lettuce. one will be turgid while the one with salt would be flacid.

  5. you can use use carrots and put them in three different solutions (hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic).

    so, fist you cut 18 thin pieces of carrot (6 for each solution). Wheigh the first 6 then put then in one of the solutions and do the same for the other carrot pieces.

    wait 15-20 min.

    take the 6 carrots out of the solution and dry them. wheigh them.

    the results should be this:

    hypotonic solution: the carrots have increased in weight.

    isotonic: the carrots have maintained their weight.

    hypertonic: the carrots have decreased in weight.

    i did this last year :P. it was fun and suuuuper easy!

    by the way, the different solutions (hypo/iso/hyper tonic) are just water with different amounts of salt. Your teacher most likely has some, so ask :D.

    if not, leave out the isotonic solution and add about 1tbs of salt into 100 ml of water for the hypertonic solution, and leave the hypotonic solution as just water.  you will get the same results.

  6. Hi there,

    The easiest thing to do would be the potato test. you need to cut out say 5 pieces of potato making sure they mesure and weigh exactly the same. Place them in sseparateglasses with the same amount of water in each. However the only ddifferencein the water is the cconsent rationof sugar in it. aalways do one lot of water with no sugar in it!

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