
What landforms are in Chile?

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What landforms are in Chile?




  1. Could you give me a little more detail? Are you talking about volcanoes, lakes, desert, Glaciers etc or are you looking for something more technical for example the type of bed rock?


  2. Chile is best to describe from north to south, since it's a string like shaped. It has a natural boundary on the East, the Andes Mountains that runs it like a spinal cord.

    The northern part of Chile is desert, from Arica to Antofagasta is rainless and dry. You can drop dead and they will find your body mumified and well preserved even after 200 years.

    After the Atacama desert you start seeing some vegetation in La Serena but not as good as it gets in the Santiago Region. From Santiago to Concepcion is like northern Italy or southern France. A land ideal for vineyards.

    South from Concepcion until the last city in the 100-150 km wide mainland, is the city of Puerto Montt. This part of Chile is well known as the Southamerican Switzserland, with evergreen rainforest, snowy mountains and volcanoes.

    South from Puerto Montt comes a different landform, consisting on islands and rocky mountains popping out of the pacific ocean. This is the land of FIORDS.

    The southernmost part of Continental Chile is like the bottom end of a spinal cord, arching away to the east, then after the most dangerous sea current in the world, the Magellan stretch, a mega rapid formed by the different levels between the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean, comes the Antartic Peninsula wich also belongs to Chile.

    Far away on the polynesean sea is Easter Island, a small portion of Chile in the middle of nowhere, althought one of the most important Island in the polynesean because of its historical significance and the Moai statues.

    Finnaly I would have to say that from Concepcion to Punta Arenas (the southernmost city in the continental Chile) there are several active volcanoes, one of wich has just erupted causing a major ecological problem in Argentina as well (Chaiten volcano).

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