
What language do they speak in El Salvador?

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I have worked with people who don't speak English, The ones who have come from El Salvador, have had to learn both Spanish and English, the spanish only speaking people have had to ask others to translate for them. I have heard one guy in numerous conversations on the phone with family, It sounds to me like a creole mixture with Japanese, or something




  1. Well I have worked with lots of people from El Salvador and they talk alot about a language called Nahuat or Nawat. They have told me that they have the option to study the language in school.  The following website states the 5 languages that are spoken in El Salvador and one extinct language. The Nahuat language is the only one I have ever heard spoken about. I hope this helps.

  2. 98% of them speak Spanis, it might sound a little different to you because they usually tend to speak a lot faster than other spanish speakers, and also have their own distinct set of words. I do agree with the post that says that a big number of them speak english but i would like to mention that it is a very poor street English,most people that speak English are people that have been deported for being illegally in the country or for commiting crimes (majority gansgters belonging to the MS).

  3. normally the castellano (( spanish))  ......... :)

  4. Spanish is the official language of El Salvador, but a substantial percentage of locals also speaks English.....The local Spanish vernacular is called Caliche.

    Hope that helps!

  5. Some of the Meso-American aborigines, still speak their native tongues.  But most have adapted to Spanish.  I don't believe that I've ever heard of a Japanese component, of any languages spoken in that region.  Portuguese or French, perhaps?


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