
What language should we teach our daughter?

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We have a 13 month old daughter and would like to, at some point, teach her another language. We are not fluent in any language except English, so we would have to learn it with her. We'd like to do something definitely not Spanish or French. What do you think we should learn and teach her?




  1. That's way cool! Yes it's so much better to teach them when they are younger. What I would do is look into your families roots; where are you guys from? Then I'd pick a language from a country that you guys originated from. I'd learn about the culture as well and maybe take your daughter there when she's older. Good luck! =]

  2. Because China is becoming a financial superpower very quickly, it might be worth learning Mandarin and teaching your daughter that in the future.

  3. German maybe..?


    or w/e lool

  4. It is proven that kids pick up languages and memorizing things WAY better than adults. Spanish would probably benefit her more than any other language if you are here in the states to be honest, but German would be good too. I would say start around 4 or 5, when she already has a fairly good grasp of the English language.

  5. I would make sure she's fluent in English first, trying to teach two languages at the same time will probably wind up confusing her.

    As for what language, German is nice and a popularly spoken language.  

  6. Spanish i fear is going to be the new language of the USA so you might as well start early.  Otherwise Japanese or Chinese for business when she grows up.

  7. Try Italian, tho id reconsider Spanish and French, If your going to learn another language wouldn't it be better to learn one thats used alot as opposed to learning one because its different?

    Get your daughter into it as early as you can. Younger children pick up languages faster (fact) and once you learn one its easier to learn another (so iv'e been told!)

  8. Teach her sign language instead.

    My second eldest can't hear as well as most kids his age, and to be honest he signs more than he talks. It's sad because it's mainly us that knows sign language. A lot of his friends don't, and he hasn't been able to communicate with them. He turns 3 in a few weeks, and is slowly starting to say a few things, but he prefers to sign.

    Sad fact of life, very few people know how to sign. I can't imagine how grown adults, who only sign feel.

  9. Mandarin Chinese could definitely be helpful in the future. It is the most spoken language in the world. Spanish would be useful, but I completely understand you wanting to do something different.

  10. Italian

  11. I don't think it would confuse the child to learn two language, a lot of bilingual familes do it.  I would suggest, Italian or Spanish

  12. Actually. If she's already learned some english. French and Spanish would be the easiest for all of you to learn together. (There are many cognates and similarities in the languages.)

    If you try to learn say, japanese with her, then it could get VERY confusing for you and your partner. Stick it to something simple.

    Not to mention. If she is fluent in one of those two languages, it would help a lot in the future when it comes to employment.

  13. Spanish would be the most useful second language for her.

  14. Chinese

  15. If you're not fluent in another language then how the h**l would you teach her another language besides English?

    Oh geez.

  16. I see that you're an army wife.  Any chance you could get posted somewhere another language is spoken?  If you can get Germany, then she could pick up German like a native.  Learning a language as an adult is extremely difficult without being completely immersed in the language and culture.  I'm sending my daughter to a language immersion school in my city so she can learn French and Spanish.  

  17. HEBREW


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