
What languages to study in college??? Spanish, French, Italian,...?

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Currently I am a junior in high school. In college I would like to Major in engineering but with a minor or possibly a double major in linguistics. The problem is I have no idea what languages to take. Studying languages is second nature to me and comes very easily but I have no idea where to start. I've traveled to England, Spain, Italy, and Greece and the languages I saw the most besides the native ones was German. From people that have traveled a lot what languages do you run into the most. I know for a fact I would study Spanish, since I am currently taking it in school.




  1. german does make sense if you want to be in engineering since germany currently has the worlds third largest economy (with china on it's tail) and there are many companies and engineering going on in germany.  while germany has an older side, there is so much that is there that is new and made from engineering.  now i am being biased since i take german, but hey - its awesome and it is a germanic language like english so there are many similarities!

  2. i would look at universities you're interested in and see where they have study abroad programs specifically for engineers.  see what language requirements they are and work backwards from there! Spanish is always helpful though. I am currently in Spanish linguistics classes.  If you focus on Spanish you can expand to Romance ling.

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