
What law made it illegal for men to dress as women?

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All I know is that there was some law that required that every person should wear at least three clothing items of their gender. how true is this? where can i find more about it?




  1. I have never heard of a law like that before.

  2. I never heard such a thing about a law that says you are to wear something of your gender. Last i checked, everyone is free to dress the way they want. If anything, it's society trying to tell people how to live and i don't approve of that.

  3. That violates constitutional rights in America. Freedom of Speech = Freedom to express yourself, which according to the Supreme court, includes how you dress.

  4. God law in the Bible

    Deuteronomy 22:5 (New International Version)

    5 A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.

  5. The fashion police! LoL I'm totally kidding. There's no law. Not anymore anyways, there probably used to be like in the 1700's at Plymouth Rock or something.

  6. When I went to San Francisco, I saw an old man wearing fishnets and a miniskirt, so I don't think that there is such a law. If you do cross-dress, please be careful.  

  7. Well I dont know what state your in. I don't think a man dressing like a woman is illegal...

  8. I have never heard of such a thing.

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