
What laws excuse women from being culpable in crimes such as sexual offenses, and violence?

by  |  earlier

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I just saw a corny question about g**s controlling the feminist movement, and one answerer said something like gayes couldn't get laws passed excusing them from s*x offences, and violence. Thus my question.




  1. There are some, women can use a deadly weapon or deadly force against a man because she "Feels threatened" if a man  used deadly force, he will have to prove the eminence of the danger.

    Women can kill their husbands while they sleep and claim "Battered wives syndrome" and walk.Take the Mary Winkler case for example.

    Can you imagine a man killing his wife while she slept and getting off easy ?

    Another example would be the common occurrence of a woman beating on her man, when the cops show up, they put him in jail ????

    For the most part I wouldn't say it's "Laws that excuse" but rather that the justice system apparently does not believe in equality and so goes very easy on women in cases of s*x or violence crimes against men.

  2. I think it is called "EVERY LAW"

  3. 1.rape applies only to men

    2.Indecent exposure applies only to men

    3.Molestation laws applies only to men

    4.VAWA applies only to men (it only applies to women in theory)

    5.DV laws include mental abuse which have only ever been applied to men

  4. I dont think there are any laws excluding women from that... i know that a women can't commit rape on a male (unless she drugged him lol). Women can and have gotten sexual harassment charges, and others. Even assault.... in my opinion they shouldn't be excused, thats just retarded to exclude someone because of their gender.

  5. There are none, any crime done to a women that is done to a man a man can seek justice just as a women can. women may have shelters and support that men don't but that is not the same.

  6. There are not, just very poor and biased judges.

    This is why there is no need for legal support for equality.  Legally, we are all equal...according to the books.  But people are much different than books and apply their own biases to their judgments.

  7. I dont think there are any laws  that "excuse" women from any crime.

    i hope the answerer to previous question would give examples.

  8. The way laws and regulations are applied is more important than their wording. FOr example law enforcment is trained to send the man away in calls involving domestic conflict, unless there are clear signs of agression on the man and none whatsoever on the woman, while the definition of domestic abuse is far more loose if a woman is affected. No woman went ever to jail for "psychologically" absuing hubby.

  9. The Duluth Model which has been discredited continues to be used widely. That Model of Domestic Violence identifies the "Primary" Abuser as Men. Regardless of who started the incident. Men because of their Size and Strength if there is a doubt the rule is "Arrest The Man". Police Officers who arrest too many Women are questioned as to the reason? Are they not following the Guidelines?

    The Rule is somebody goes to Jail. And Law Enforcement Officials don't want Feminist Groups on their backs. So they arrest the Men as the default in this program. Men know this. And now Women don't need any evidence of abuse, All they have to do is call and say "I am afraid of this Man". That is all it takes.

    What is defined by Law as abuse? Men who complain about their Spouse of Domestic Partner spending too much? Complaints about who they associate with, No I forbid you to go hang out at the Biker Bar with Butch and Phil the Meth Chemist. Raising your voice in an argument or even stomping your feet is grounds for a Domestic Abuse charge.

    Given that the Supreme Court of the State of NJ has now ruled that a Man is responsible for Palimony, with a Woman he did not cohabitate with. There are few crimes Men can be accused of that we are not automatically guilty of.

    David Letterman had a restraining order put on him from New Mexico from a Woman he never met. Who claimed he was sending her telepathic waves over the TV. This was in the same State that made a Police Officer pay his Ex wife for 5 years of Child Support for a Child that did not exist. She colluded with a DNA Lab tech, and actually kidnapped a child in a Mall for a Court Hearing.

  10. Even if many laws don't state it explicitly, the general rule is 'If a man commits a crime he needs punishment; if a woman commits crimes she needs help'. We find it very hard to shake the 'sugar and spice' stereotype of women, and the result is things like the recent case of the woman who stabbed three of her children (killing two), but the newspaper headline (London Lite) was "Dad 'beat up wife as kids lay stabbed'". The smaller headline read "Depression and debt blamed for Mum's knife rampage". The article - like other news articles on the story - went on to list all the reasons why she killed them e.g. the family shop was struggling, she had just failed her driving test etc   But I find it an amazing double standard that the headline talks about how violent the husband is, after all the guy had just come how and found all his children lying in a pool of blood and his wife with a knife in her hand - Poor her!

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