
What laws would you give if you were appointed Minister of Conservation?

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Laws that you would like to introduce in order of priority. What are the reasons of these laws? And what problems may you have getting it through the Parliment?




  1. your not american.  but if i were in charge of conservation, i would make all cars in the roads today hybrids, or have some other form of fuel.  i read last month about a guy who  was able to light saltwater on fire.  imagine what could be done with that!

  2. 1 every person should have an oak tree in their back gardens

    2 people would wear nothing but natural fibres

    3 shut down all coal fired powe station

  3. Oh this is interesting. I am in America so my laws are based on the US.

    1) No drilling in the national wildlife reserves in Alaska.

           - We need to protect what true untouched nature we have left

    2) CARBON TAX!!! People will be taxed on the amount of carbon they produce. This would apply more to businesses than to the individual person. But it would tax gasoline.

    3) I wouldn't call this a law but move torwards having half the US car population being hybrid in 10 years. People would recieve large tax deductions for this. Along with this, would come construction of more nuclear power plants to sustain the demand for energy (which grows more with each hybrid sold).

    4) I would probably add a lot more money into giving grants for research into better grenn technology and would then demand follow up programs to make sure that the money is being put to good use.

    Since I am no politician I have no idea how i would get these through congress.

  4. 1) If you live within 10 miles of or ride a single cars (exceptions for Health only.) Cut down on emissions and GAS consumption..which we are all getting ripped off for.

    2) Water and electricity use..introduce a rebate if you use less than 20%  than previous year. It works here, my electric and gas are under $18.00every month and I have a two-bedroom condo.   I guess those would be the two most important...the ParlIment could have a problem as it would apply to them also. Over usage than prior year would result in a rate hike for individual homes or business.

  5. Hi..

    Just a simple rule!

    Keep at least 1 plant in every one's house, so it may produce Oxygent.

    Cheers ^^

  6. National Sale tax with a surcharge on pollution that would pay to clean up the environment, pay for the health effects of pollution and help the oceans thrive. Balancing the real price of oil with clean technologies instead of paying for our own destruction, is the way to go.

    Today here is what we know:  many of mankind’s advancements cause earth surface to warm, destroy the ozone layer, kill off endanger species, heat cities, and in some way cause more destruction.  Blacktop (roads and parking lots), buildings, air pollution (causes lung and other diseases), deforestation, duststorms (which increase hurricanes and cyclones and cause lung diseases), fires (cause pollution, mud slides, and deforestation), refrigerants (like CFC's), solvents (including benzene destroy the ozone layer raising skin cancer rates) and plastics; cars, airplanes, ships and most electricity production (causes pollution including raised CO2 levels) are human problems we need to fix to keep life on earth sustainable! That is why I founded, a geoengineering web sight. The federal government needs to adopt a pollution surcharge to balance the field and advance new technologies. We must pay the real price of oil (petrochemicals) including global warming, cleanup and for health effects. But with that we must understand we have never seen what is now happening before. CO2 has never lead to temperature change, but temperature change has led to increases in CO2. The models have to be made as we go along with little evidence! The result is:  change is on the way, we just do not know what changes. But again adding a small amount of CO2 to the atmosphere enlarges the earths sun collection causing warming; increase water in the atmosphere and they form clouds cooling earth but causing flooding. Even natural events are warming earth and causing destruction. The sun has an increased magnetic field causing increases in earthquakes (more destruction), volcanoes (wow, great destruction), and sun spots. Lighting produces ozone near the surface (raising air pollution levels). But humans have destroyed half of the wetlands, cut down nearly half of the rain forest, and advance on the earths grasslands while advancing desertification which increases duststorms. The USA Mayor's have taken a stand and I believe are on the right track, we can have control and can have economic growth. With the peak of oil in the 1970’s, the peak of ocean fishing in the 1980’s, humans must stop procrastinating and make real changes to keep earth sustainable including in the energy debate, finance and regulation. The sun is available to produce energy, bring light to buildings and makes most of human’s fresh water. Composting is the answer to desertification. New dams are the answer to fresh water storage, energy and cooling earth by evaporation, we need many small one all over (California needs 100 by 2012 and has not even started).

    President Bush has made a choice of energy (ethanol) over food and feeding the starving people around the world; this is a choice China has rejected.



    I am S.Riya Subbu. I want to save our Earth with your help.

    We are living under the control of Pancha Bhoot ( Water,Air,Fire,Earth, Universe).

    Now frequently Earth Quake/Tsunami/Typhoon  is coming  all over World and destroying all Human beings/Livelihood/House/Building/Bridges... Stock  within a second. Also now days Global Warming is going on Alarmingly. Excess Rain/Flood destrying our Life.

    Recently Canada  also face Earth Quake Problem. In Indonesia also facing Earth Quake Problem  frequently.

    Please you all join with me to save our EARTH.

    Do the following simple Systems in your House/Office/Working Place/Your Street/Your Society/Flat.

    1.Are you saving  the following items in your House/Office/Work Place?

    1. Current

    2. Water


    4.Gas ( LPG & CNG).

    5.White Papper/News Paper

    6. Wood

    7. Cooking Oil

    Note: the above all necessary for Day to Day Life. Please Try to Reduce the usage.

    2. Are your Keeping your House free of the following items?

    1.Plastic Free. Don’t Store Plastic Bags/Cups/Spoon( for example. Take Cotton Bag with you to market/Shopping)

    2.Unutilised items like broken Cycle/Old TV Cover/broken Table/Chairs/Tyres/ Un Utilised/Non Repairable items like Bike/Car/Mixer/Washing Machine/Cooler/Utensils.

    Note: Please Dispose this items which is not is use. Sent it for Re-Cycle.

    3. What type of Conveyance are you using?

    1.Car    2.Two Wheeler  3.Cycle 4.Using Public Transportation/Train

    Note: Utilise Public Transportation/Sharing Auto/Car. You can avoid Traffic Jam/Parking Problem.Keep one two wheeler/One Car/One House for each family.( Don’t buy more than that). It will help us reduce Petrol Expenses/Pollution/Parking/Traffic Jam.

    4. How many Children are you having

    1. one  2. Two 3. More than Two 4. Unmarried

    Note: Make one or Two Children only. Give them Good Food/Education/Shelter.

    If population is more pollution is more.

    5. Are Short out your Cub Board/Wardrobe?

    1.Once in a Month  2. Once in 6 Months 3. Not at all doing  

    Note: Short out Your Wardrobe/Cup Board/Working Table/House Kitchen free of unnecessary items. Give your Books/Old Pant/Saree/Shirt  to Poor/Needy.

    6.What type of Gift are you giving to your Relatives & Friends?

    1.Toys/Games 2. Greeting Card  3. Flower Bouque 4.Saplings like Rose/X- MasTree

    Note: Please present Flowers/Anthorium Saplings/Rose/Seeds of Different type of Seeds as Gift to your Friends/Relatives.This will reduce the waste of Plastics Paper/Balloon/Wrapper/Cartoon Box.


    1. Avoid Smoking/Chewing Tobacco/pan and avoid Smoking/Spitting in Public Place. Smoking leads to Health disorder and it is leads to Cancer.

    2. Avoid wasting Food in House/Function. If food is excess, please share the food with Poor. Take limited food in your Plate. Do not throw in dust Bin.

    3. Avoid dumping Materials in House/Office. Be Plan before buying any Materials.

    4. Avoid unnecessary Travels. Be plan before Travel.

    5. Pray Rivers. But Do not throw Plastic Bags/Garbage on River. ( I have seen many people are throwing Garbage bag in river. Rivers are very Important for our Life.

    6. Do not use Coluring Agent for Hair. It will make eye irritation/Stain in Shirt collar/Pillow Cover/Bed Sheets.

    7. Do Simple Marriage. This will help us to save Money/Food/Transportation/ Reduce  arrangements etc.

    Please Run Cycle (if your office/School is near to your Hose) for your Health/Wealth.

    Running Cycle is keep your Body Fit. Also it helps us to reduce Petrol Bill/Pollution/Weight/Bulging Stomach/Obesity/Gas trouble in stomach and of course reduce your Petrol Bill/Medical Bill.

    Please spread this Message to all your Family Members/Relation/Friends/Office Colleague/To  School /College/To your village/To your Society etc


    Please share your suggestion/Views with me thro  e.mail

  8. Make a tax credit for all that use some type of Renewable Energy, every dollar you spend, comes off your tax bill.

    Make a national code that over rides all codes, geared to help, not hinder R.E.

    Have all vehicles be E-85 ready, so when biomass is used to make ethanol, our cars are also.

  9. Mandatory progressive reduction in the amount of fossil fuels that can be extracted or imported. reductions to be 1% per month as a minimum.

    This would be a difficult sale in Parliament, becaus it would be equivalent of handing the extraction industry a big profit bonus. However it would be necessary to support and make useful :

    Apply a tax on carbon content of fossil fuels extracted or imported, (whether consumed domestically or exported) The proceeds of this tax would be used to reduce taxes on lower income earners, or increase rebate of VAT to low income earners.

    With the revenue neutrality, this might be saleable to the taxpayer, and particularly the low income taxpayer, but it would be a problem for a federal environment... does the tax go to the federal or provincial coffers, and does the federal government have any right to impose revenue neutrality on the provinces. This becomes a special problem when some provinces are net exporters of fossil fuels while others produce little and consume a lot.

    Provision for  widespread use of rainwater storage is of course a provincial authority, so that saying I would provide for this would have to relate to a provincial government, not a federal. Also, some of our provinces have already built enormous volumes of water storage, while others have to be very cautious of disturbing salt in the soils if dams are built. This would be a point of conflict and rightly so if implemented federally.

    However, with major droughts we should be taking steps to ensure water supply.

    Great lakes water levels have been dropping, even as many states in the south west are asking to have some sent their way. We still send most of our water out the St Lawrence River. This calls for negotiation to drastically reduce the amount of water going down the AStLawrence RIver, making it available for domestic water use.

    Now we have a problem with this: reducing the flow of water going down the StLawrence would remove major power generation from that water. We can not drink the water and also send it over the Niagara power generation, or the StLawrence generators, or the St Maries river. Those who want that water would be expected to provide nuclear plants to replace that lost generation capacity.

    Now getting this through Parliament would still look like a major sell-out to water hungry states in the USA. Selling it might still be feasible if Ontario too were getting to use some of the water we do not send out the StLawrence river.

  10. why would you want more laws, just what we need, more laws

  11. One child per couple!

    over 6.5 BILLION people on the planet right now... the United Nations had warned years ago that a sustainable level is 5 BILLION you can see the results everywhere.. not just global warming - I am taking about deforestation to make room for houses, and livestock.. urban sprawl is consuming farm land at alarming rates... air pollution, a general raping of the planet for our own needs driven by our growing numbers...

    the problems - people are basically selfish they dont want the government telling them how many kids they can or cannot have.. they are ignorant and would protest human rights or something dumb..

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